May 18, 2012
HUD Studies Reveal Important Benefits Associated With Housing Counseling
A press release from the Department of Housing and Urban Development says FHA/HUD approved housing counseling offers significant benefits “for families who purchase their first homes and those struggling to prevent foreclosure”. Those benefits were the focus of two HUD research projects. According to HUDNo.12-085, ” HUD found housing counseling significantly improved the likelihood homeowners remained in their homes” . That finding comes from two housing counseling research projects, one that involved pre-purchase counseling and one focusing on foreclosure avoidance counseling by HUD-approved agencies. “Both the pre-purchase counseling and foreclosure counseling studies enrolled clients in the fall of 2009 and early 2010. HUD found that 35 percent of participants became homeowners within 18 months of pre-purchase counseling and only one of those buyers subsequently fell behind in their mortgage payments.” | more...