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Articles Tagged With: Mortgage Closing

FHA Home Loan

Planning Your First Home

Are you looking for your first home? Applying for an FHA loan might seem intimidating, but there are some things you can do to help reduce those feelings of being overwhelmed by unfamiliar details. This is especially true in an age of confusing information about changing interest rates, modified credit qualifying standards, and options to save your home if disaster strikes. Start Early The key is to start early and plan ahead. Before you fill out loan application paperwork, consider making your planning phase for the loan last a year or more. This takes some immediate pressure off borrowers to save up for the down payment and closing costs. It also provides adequate time to work on your credit and cut your monthly debt. What other things can first-time home | more...

Is your credit ready for an FHA loan?

5 Tips About Home Loans

What do you need to know about home loans? There are certainly more than five things you’ll want to remember, but this is a great way to begin the planning stages of your new home loan. Home Loan Tip #5: One Application At A Time When you are in the planning stages of a new home loan, it might not occur to you (at first) to think of all your finances as a single entity. This is important because your lender will certainly do so, and if you have applied for any other credit in the meantime it can make it harder for your loan officer to justify approving your home loan. Plan on applying for ONE line of credit in the year you commit to the loan–your mortgage. Home | more...


FHA Loans and Escrow Accounts

When buying a home, there are situations where the FHA home loan transaction requires an escrow account. HUD 4000.1 has a specific list of rules and regulations that govern escrow and how it is to be used for purchasing or building a home. There are many scenarios where the lender will require an escrow account. A construction loan is a great example; you won’t be able to build a home without one. In general, when escrow is used, we learn the following from the FHA Single-Family Lender’s Handbook, HUD 4000.1: “The Mortgagee must collect a monthly amount from the Borrower that will enable it to pay all escrow obligations…” The escrow account must have sufficient funds for items including but not limited to the following: For repair completion, escrow rules | more...

FHA loans

What Do FHA Loan Closing Costs Include?

What do FHA loan closing costs include? There are certain fees and expenses you will need to save up for during the planning stages of your FHA home loan. They include an up-front mortgage insurance premium, home inspection, appraisal fees, and other costs that add up and you may encounter unexpected costs like a compliance inspection that would come on the heels of the appraisal where repairs or corrections are required. They are not required in all home loan cases (only when deemed necessary as a result of the appraisal), so it’s not an expense you will definitely have to pay. Remember that the less you have included in the loan amount (certain permitted closing costs may be added to the loan) the lower your mortgage payments potentially are. Closing | more...

FHA loan

FHA Home Loans And Closing Day Delays

Getting to your closing day can be challenging. There are fees and expenses to pay for, credit checks to submit to, negotiations with the seller, and more. And on top of all those details, there are issues that could slow down your home loan, and may in some cases even affect your closing day.  Don’t assume that such issues are always the borrower or seller’s fault. There are many reasons why your closing day could be delayed or otherwise affected by circumstances. What Can Delay Closing Day?  Many issues can affect your ability to close the loan. For example, what if the appraisal comes back with corrections or with a value that is lower than the asking price of the home? Those things may or may not require a rethink | more...

FHA Loan

Worried About Getting Scammed During Your Home Loan Approval Process?

There are plenty of warnings about mortgage scams, mortgage-related identity theft schemes, and much more. We could go into the specifics of one or two of the more popular variations, but it’s equally important to know how to protect yourself more or less unilaterally against such threats to your privacy, your personal data, and your money. The first type of “best practices” you should adopt to protect yourself against scams of any kind? Refusing to respond to “out-of-the-blue” contacts on social media, text messages, or emails that you did not initiate.  People get contacted unsolicited for legitimate reasons all the time. What we’re talking about here is third parties who write you trying to get you to click on a link, provide your account information, or perform some other act | more...

FHA Loan

FHA Home Loans: Mistakes To Avoid When It’s Time To Close

As you get closer to the day when you sign the paperwork, pay your closing costs, and take possession of your new home, there are some important mistakes to avoid. Do you know what they are? FHA home loan closing day is an important milestone; make sure you know what to expect leading up to the big day. Don’t Move The Same Day You Close Closing dates can change, circumstances may require a new closing date. If you hired movers or rented a truck on the same day that you are supposed to close the deal, you may be disappointed. Don’t Be In A Hurry Take the time to carefully read all documents you are required to sign, don’t skip the home inspection, and don’t give in to any kind | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

Before You Apply For Mortgage Pre-Approval

A lot of people assume they are ready to apply for any major line of credit at any time. But if you want to apply for mortgage pre-approval, there are some important things you need to ask yourself to determine whether you are truly ready to apply. Where are you at in the current process of planning and saving for a home loan? FHA mortgages, conventional loans, and even some first-time homebuyer downpayment assistance plans require the borrower to make a minimum investment.  If you don’t have a down payment saved or have a plan to come up with your down payment and closing costs before seeking a lender, you may not be ready to apply for pre-approval. But what else should you be asking? One of the first things | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

How Early Should You Use A Mortgage Calculator?

The short answer? The moment you think you want to commit to being a home owner, you should consider using an online mortgage calculator. A mortgage calculator can help you plan and save for your mortgage. The use of a mortgage calculator is something most real estate blogs and home loan websites encourage you to use. The most basic, entry-level finance blog advice includes “use a mortgage calculator”. But there are some things to keep in mind about using a mortgage calculator–you want to use one that includes more than just the principal and interest for your loan. If you use one that limits the input to just those two things, you won’t really get an estimate of your monthly mortgage payment. Why? Because you will need to factor in | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA Loan Down Payment Facts

Some borrowers get nervous about having to come up with a down payment. It is more than some have spent on one thing in their adult lives all at once, who can blame them for worrying? FHA home loans permit down payment gifts and grants and that can be a huge help for the first-time homebuyer. The rules for these programs must clearly explain the conditions of the grant or gift, under what conditions it might be required to be paid back–those payback terms of often triggered by violating the terms of the agreement. It can also happen when the home is sold, paid off, or no longer used as the primary residence.  Such gifts may come from state or local housing development agencies or other local entities–remember that the | more...