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Articles Tagged With: First-time Home Buyer

FHA Home Loan

Do I Need To Use An Escrow Account For My Home Loan?

An escrow account is a tool you and the lender can use to simplify mortgage payment issues with respect to property taxes, homeowner insurance, and other payments. Depending on the nature of your mortgage your lender may require the use of escrow, especially if you are applying for a One-Time Close construction loan or an FHA 203(k) Rehabilitation loan or 203(k) refinance loan. Escrow accounts make it possible for some hands-off payments for property taxes and other expenses. Escrow may be required by law depending on the state you’re buying in and the circumstances of your loan. Escrow accounts may be referred to as impound accounts and if you are putting a fixed amount of money into escrow each month (via your mortgage payment), your lender is basically letting those | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

When You Apply For Your Mortgage Loan

When you apply for a home loan, whether it’s an FHA mortgage, conventional loan, or any other type of “forward mortgage” used to purchase, your lender is required to check your employment, income, and credit information to make sure you are a good credit risk. Some borrowers assume the lender is only interested in FICO scores–the numbers assigned to you based on your credit patterns, repayment history, and other variables. But that is NOT true–the score is important, yes. But it’s not the only factor that goes into loan approval decisions. And it’s key to understand the factors that go into determining your credit score as those factors are of interest to your lender. TransUnion, one of the “big three” credit reporting agencies, advises consumers that credit scores are determined | more...

FHA Loan Options

Will Credit Problems Affect My FHA Home Loan?

Can past credit problems become an issue when trying to get a home loan approved? Some borrowers have less trouble than others getting their mortgage application completed and approved–why is it that some seem to sail through home loan approval and others struggle? Work On Your Credit Today Some people have had past credit issues but did a very smart thing–they made sure they had a full year or more of on-time payments on all financial obligations before applying for their mortgage loan. This tactic really works, and it’s FREE. You don’t pay a third party to “fix” your credit, you take matters into your own hands and pay on time, every time. This will have the result (over time) of raising your credit score and making you a more | more...


HUD Announces Changes To Exterior-Only Appraisal Guidelines For FHA Purchase Loans

When the FHA and HUD began adjusting policies to accommodate social distancing requirements meant to mitigate COVID-19, one of the measures it started was the use of desktop-only and exterior-only appraisals. This meant that an FHA appraiser conducting a home inspection was no longer required (temporarily) to step into the home to perform the appraisal. The appraisal could be accomplished in person from the exterior only (hence the name of the “exterior-only” appraisal) or by using a computer in a desktop-only type of review of the property. These measures were meant to be strictly temporary and had expiration dates when these modifications to FHA policy would expire. But later, the FHA and HUD decided to extend the deadlines in light of the fact that coronavirus emergency did not abate in | more...

FHA loans

Why Did My Mortgage Payment Increase?

Some borrowers discover their monthly mortgage payment has gone up and wonder why. Regardless of whether your home loan is an FHA mortgage, a VA home loan, or a conventional mortgage, there are reasons why you might have experienced an increase in your monthly mortgage payment amount. If you see changes in your mortgage payment that you don’t recognize or understand, the first thing you should do is to reach out to your loan servicer to get more information. Don’t simply accept the change if you don’t understand why it happened; consumer advocacy groups such as the government’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau remind home owners that sometimes a change in your mortgage payment could be a simple mistake by the lender and one that could be immediately addressed with a | more...

FHA Loan

FHA Loan Questions: Eligible Property Types

There are some common questions about what is permitted with an FHA mortgage and what is not permitted. All borrowers should make the most fully informed decision about buying a home possible–know your options before you apply! Remember that there’s not one catch-all loan for all property types–there are different FHA home loan products for different property types. Can I Use An FHA Loan To Buy A Condo Unit? The short answer is yes, but FHA condo loans are allowed when the condo unit is on (or added to) a list of FHA approved condo projects. Once that requirement has been verified, the condo must also meet FHA minimum standards and local building code. The condo project must not require the FHA borrower to agree to restrictive covenants that limit | more...

FHA loans

Warning Signs Of Foreclosure Relief Scams

Foreclosure scams are very much on the rise in an era where more borrowers than ever need some form of foreclosure prevention, mortgage relief, or other options to save their homes during times of financial uncertainty. Fortunately, many of these scams have some tell-tale warning signs you can use to avoid getting conned. The federal government warns consumers to watch out for the indicators that a scammer is at work instead of a legitimate offer of help. The Federal Trade Commission warns home owners to stay vigilant, especially when the following signs are present from any business which: offers to provide the homeowner with a loan modification regardless of circumstances; tries to get you to do an end-run around your current lender and asks you not to contact the lender, | more...

The FHA One-Time Close Construction Loan: An Option In 2020

FHA Implements New Construction Loan Rule Changes

The FHA has announced rule modifications for its new construction loans. On October 22nd, 2020, the FHA and HUD issued a Mortgagee Letter detailing modifications made in 2018 and 2019 which have resulted in a need for further alterations of the rules for New Construction loans. Some of the changes end requirements for “Early Start Letters” and other requirements, others make provisions for “alternative inspections” as we’ll discover below. The FHA/HUD official site states there are also changes to the maximum financing policy for FHA New Construction loans. Effective immediately–lenders can choose to wait on implementing these modified rules until January 4, 2020, but have the option to start using the new rules now if they so choose) the following modifications are being added to HUD 4000.1: Eliminating Early Start | more...

FHA loans

FHA Mobile Home Loans

FHA mortgages can be used to purchase or build a variety of properties and one of those property types is the mobile home. You can use an FHA mortgage to purchase mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular housing and similar types. FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 group these types of mortgages together under the “manufactured housing” description. Not all manufactured housing or mobile homes are eligible for an FHA mortgage. HUD 4000.1 has certain criteria that must be met for the loan to be approved. Those requirements include, but are not limited to being a single-family dwelling with at least 400 square feet of floor area; the property must have a HUD Certification Label. Alternately, instead of the label, there must be a letter of label verification issued on behalf | more...

FHA loans

HUD Announces New Deadlines For Coronavirus Foreclosure Avoidance Options

Since the global coronavirus pandemic began affecting the United States economy, HUD has made a variety of policy changes and loss mitigation measures available to borrower struggling to make mortgage payments on FHA mortgages, refinance loans, and even reverse mortgages. In April, 2020, HUD published Mortgagee Letter 2020-06. That letter announced measures including COVID-19 related loan forbearance, plus “Standalone Partial Claims”, plus an extension of the deadline for FHA Reverse Mortgages (also known as FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgages or HECM) for those affected by the pandemic. A few months later, HUD also announced loan forbearance options for those who needed it beyond the initial forbearance period. And now, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Housing Administration have announced that the agencies recognize a need, “…to | more...