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Articles Tagged With: First-time Home Buyer

Mortgage Trends

Things To Consider: FHA Loans In 2022

What do you need to know about home loans in 2022? There are a few things to keep in mind that may affect your planning and choices about a new mortgage or refi loan. Here are some issues to think about going into the new year: FHA Loan Limits Are Higher In 2022 FHA loan limits go up in most markets, but there are some areas where the limits may not necessarily change. Keep in mind that there are high-cost markets AND low-cost housing markets. \Depending on where you are house hunting the limits may be different than what you are used to–it’s a great idea to check the limits ahead of time to get an idea of what to expect. Interest Rates May Rise In 2022 With the Fed | more...


FHA Home Loan Approval Issues You Should Know

If you are planning to buy a home with an FHA mortgage but aren’t sure whether you will be approved for the loan, you might find some help with our list if important FHA loan issues to consider as you plan and save for your mortgage. How Much Time You’ve Spent Working Your participating lender will review your employment history. Basically, they want to see how much time you have in your current capacity as a full-time employee earning salary, commission, or a combination of those. If you are self-employed, how long have you been working in that capacity? That will be an important factor for the lender. Your loan officer must review the last two years of your work history. Does that require you to have two years of | more...

Home Loan

FHA Home Loans: Questions To Ask

If you are getting your finances in order and making plans to apply for an FHA home loan, there are some important questions you can ask your lender ahead of time to make your path to homeownership a smoother one. Some people, even when applying as new house hunters, have done enough research ahead of time to ask some of the right questions. But there are some home loan questions with answers that mean a lot more when combined with other information. What do we mean by this? It does not matter if you are looking for an FHA condo loan, a new construction loan, mobile home mortgage, etc. You will definitely want to ask the lenders you compare about interest rates and how much your loan will cost. The | more...

FHA loans

Shop Around For An FHA Lender

Why should you shop around for your home loan or refinance loan? Aren’t all mortgages and refinance loans pretty much the same? No, actually, you may find a larger degree of variation among lenders in several ways including what kinds of loan they are willing to offer. Shopping around for a lender is always a good idea even if you are fairly certain you want to continue using your current financial institution to get the new loan or refinance. In the same way you want to shop around for the best-used car dealer you can find, you want to find the lender offering the best deal to you for the money you are spending on closing costs, lender fees, etc. FHA home loans may be standardized in many ways–the types | more...


HUD Announces Disaster Relief For Kentucky Home Owners In Federal Disaster Areas

The FHA and HUD have announced disaster relief for FHA borrowers who live in the federally declared disaster areas in the State of Kentucky. The declaration was made effective as of December 10, 2021, in the wake of flooding, tornadoes, and other natural disaster-related issues. The President announced major disaster declarations for the following counties in Kentucky: Caldwell Fulton Graves Hopkins Marshall Muhlenberg Taylor Warren An FHA/HUD press release published at HUD.gov adds that there is also relief on a “cost-sharing basis”  in Caldwell, Fulton, Graves, Hopkins, Marshall, Muhlenberg, Taylor, and Warren counties. What does the FHA/HUD disaster relief announcement mean for FHA borrowers and homeowners?  HUD offers “immediate foreclosure relief” for FHA mortgages in the form of a 90-day moratorium “on foreclosures of Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured home mortgages | more...

FHA Home Loan

Qualifying For An FHA Loan

Here’s a great example of a common question we are often asked: “How much is the minimum downpayment required for FHA loan? How do I qualify?” The main issue with questions like these is that the question isn’t specific enough to answer to the reader’s satisfaction. Why? Because good credit scores aren’t enough, and lender FICO score requirements, in general, can vary between one financial institution and another. Essentially, what a borrower needs to know when preparing to apply for an FHA mortgage includes (but is not limited to) a list of items. For starters, you DO NOT have to be a first-time homebuyer to qualify for an FHA mortgage. You also don’t have to worry about income caps or household income restrictions for this type of home loan. Some | more...


Appraisals Vs. Home Inspections: What You Need To Know

Can you buy a house relying on the appraisal alone to tell you about the home’s condition or should you shell out the money to pay for a home inspection? That’s a question more than one home buyer has answered in the wrong way. Here’s one version of a very common question asked about FHA home loans, appraisals, and the inspection process.  “I bought a house and I am discovering major problems and code violations. I did not have a home inspection and was told the FHA does its own inspection. Can you explain why the FHA inspection did not find these violations of code?” To start, the FHA does not inspect homes and you should not expect the FHA appraisal process to be anything more than what it is | more...

FHA loans

Do You Need Down Payment Assistance For Your Mortgage?

If you want to buy a home and you worry about the down payment, you may be able to get help from a state or local down payment assistance program offered in your housing market.  If you are considering an FHA mortgage, you should know that the FHA itself does not offer down payment help, but does recommend borrowers seek such programs to help lower the overall upfront cost of the mortgage. What kinds of down payment help is available? There are many options depending on the state where you live and whether or not you have owned property recently.  One issue that is common for many state-level down payment assistance programs? Being either a first-time homebuyer who has never owned a home before, OR being a former homeowner who | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

Get Ready For A Home Loan In 2022

How do you know if you can afford a home loan? It may seem like a daunting task to estimate a monthly mortgage payment with principal, interest, taxes, and fees, but there are online mortgage calculators that can help. All you have to do is to bring a bit of information to the process to get an idea of how much that house you have your eye on might cost you. Get Started The first thing you want to do is to examine your current monthly debt and compare them to your income. What is the largest amount of a monthly mortgage payment you could afford in your current circumstances? The number you arrive at here is not necessarily the same number you’ll use for your final mortgage calculation, but | more...

Buying A Home with an FHA Loan

Thinking About A Mortgage Loan?

If you are considering a home loan but aren’t quite ready to commit yet, you are said to be in the planning stages of your mortgage. That planning phase is quite important and should begin as early as possible so you have plenty of time to save money for your FHA mortgage loan down payment (a minimum of 3.5% down is required), your closing costs, and other loan expenses. There are three basic areas you should pay attention to in the planning stages of your home loan–your savings, your debt, and your credit scores. The credit score portion of the process is obvious–if you don’t start monitoring your credit, work actively to reduce your credit usage and get your credit card balances as far below the 50% line of your | more...