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Articles Tagged With: First-time Home Buyer

FHA home loan

FHA Loan Income And Employment Rules You Need To Know

Here’s a variation on a common question about FHA loan approval. “I recently switched employment types from salary to commission. How long do I have to earn on a commission basis to qualify for a mortgage?” If you have recently changed the way you earn, that change may complicate your FHA loan process depending on how recently the change happened and other variables.  Switching to commission from salary is one of the best-known examples, but some borrowers may have changed from being full-time, in-house employees, to being contractors or consultants. In other cases, an FHA loan applicant may have quit working for someone else to be their own boss as a small business owner. In all cases, the lender requires proof of employment and income in the form of W2s | more...

FHA home loans

True Or False? FHA Home Loan Issues You Should Know

How much do you really know about the home loan process? If you are interested in buying a home with a low-down-payment FHA mortgage, there are a few things that are good to know before you start house hunting. True Or False? FHA Home Loans Are For First-Time Homebuyers Only False. It’s one of the most common persistent myths about FHA mortgages. True Or False? You Don’t Need A Down Payment With An FHA Home Loan False, but the down payment requirement for FHA mortgages is lower than some conventional equivalents. While it’s true that there are conventional mortgages that offer down payments in the three percent range similar to FHA home loans, you may find the FICO score requirements for these loans to be higher than the FHA minimum | more...

Is your credit ready for an FHA loan?

Employment And Income Verification For FHA Loans

Here is a common variation on an FHA loan question we get frequently. “I have been employed for about two years, do I qualify for an FHA mortgage?” FHA loans require a variety of financial qualifications including FICO scores, your history of payments on financial obligations, your debt-to-income ratio, and other factors. Lender standards and FHA loan rules both apply, as do some state laws and other regulations. There’s no individual factor that determines a borrower’s ability to qualify for an FHA mortgage, a number of variables come into play as mentioned above. Sometimes one or more factors can disqualify a borrower, it’s true-a low FICO score, debt ratios that are too high, missed payments in the last 12 months leading up to the loan application, or major changes in | more...


FHA Adds 40-Year Mortgage Relief Option

The Federal Housing Administration has announced a 40-year mortgage modification option for borrowers who are struggling to save their homes due to COVID-19. The announcement will have lenders offer more options to those who are behind on FHA Title II loans, which are the mortgages most commonly used under the FHA loan program to buy primary residences with.  The new 40-year option is meant for those who “cannot achieve a minimum targeted 25 percent reduction in the Principal and Interest portion of their mortgage payment through FHA’s existing 30-year mortgage modification with a partial claim” according to the press release. Over time, the FHA and HUD have made major changes to the COVID-19 homeowner relief choices offered to those with FHA mortgages.  According to the FHA and HUD, adding the | more...

FHA Home Loan

Applying For An FHA Mortgage With A Changed Name

It is illegal under the Fair Housing Act to discriminate against a person who seeks housing because of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, family status, and any number of other non-financial issues. But in addition to the Fair Housing Act, there are certain Know Your Customer best practices required for both buying a home and renting that help establish the identity of the renter or buyer. Your lender will require you to verify your identity with a photo ID, tax documents, Social Security Number, and/or other identifiers. But what happens if the name on these documents isn’t the same as the name you have now or will have in the future? If you have a need for a legal name change these best practices can get a little complicated, and | more...

FHA Mortgage

Are FHA Credit Requirements For Refinancing The Same As Buying A Home?

Are FHA credit requirements the same for refinance loans as they are for buying a new home? Many borrowers want to know if their credit scores, payment history, and other factors will be scrutinized as closely when refinancing. FHA loan rules for refinances vary depending on the nature of the new loan. The rules that govern this area are found in HUD 4000.1, the FHA Single-Family Loan handbook, and lender standards may also apply. The credit requirements we’re discussing here are FHA loan minimum standards. To know what a specific financial institution may require above and beyond these standards, you will need to talk to a participating FHA lender.FHA Loan Credit Check Requirements For Cash-Out Refinance Loans FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 state that cash-out and the no cash-out | more...


Fair Housing Month: HUD Pledges More Funds To Fight COVID-19 Discrimination

April is Fair Housing Month, and it’s likely no coincidence that April is also the month HUD announced added funds from the American Rescue Plan to fund HUD Fair Housing actions to fight discrimination related to COVID-19. In a press release issued by the HUD official site, the agency announced an additional $3,285,353 in funding meant for organizations that qualify and can accept funding through the FHIP’s Private Enforcement Initiative. These added funds can be used for enforcement, awareness-raising, education, and outreach projects. This is the third time American Rescue Plan funds have been used to fight housing discrimination related to the Coronavirus pandemic. According to HUD, some $16 million has been distributed to more than sixty agencies working to fight this particular type of housing discrimination. “The COVID-19 pandemic | more...

FHA loans

What Do FHA Loan Closing Costs Include?

What do FHA loan closing costs include? There are certain fees and expenses you will need to save up for during the planning stages of your FHA home loan. They include an up-front mortgage insurance premium, home inspection, appraisal fees, and other costs that add up and you may encounter unexpected costs like a compliance inspection that would come on the heels of the appraisal where repairs or corrections are required. They are not required in all home loan cases (only when deemed necessary as a result of the appraisal), so it’s not an expense you will definitely have to pay. Remember that the less you have included in the loan amount (certain permitted closing costs may be added to the loan) the lower your mortgage payments potentially are. Closing | more...

FHA mortgages and refinance loans

Your First Home: Buying With An FHA Mortgage

Buying your first home with an FHA mortgage is a good option if you want to save money on down payment expenses up front, if you want a loan with no early payoff penalty, and you want one that allows you to purchase a brand new home, a fixer-upper, or build one from the ground up on your own lot. What do you need to know about FHA loans as a first-time homebuyer? Down Payments Are Low FHA mortgages have a minimum down payment requirement of 3.5%. You are also required to pay for mortgage insurance, but the Up-Front Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP) can be financed into the loan amount if you need to save money up front on the loan. Think About Where Your Down Payment Might Come From | more...

FHA Loans

Mortgage Scams: Homeowner Beware!

Have you been contacted by a third party offering to refinance your FHA home loan? During the worst of the COVID-19 outbreak, there were reports about home loan scammers trying to trick people into applying for refinance loans, mortgage relief, and foreclosure avoidance measures that weren’t what they were advertised to be. Some fell prey to these scams, while others relied on “best practices” to help them avoid being fooled into thinking they might be dealing with a legitimate third party offering help.  What are these best practices and how can you save your home from loan default and/or foreclosure or simply refinance your existing home loan without getting swindled? The first key is the nature of the contact with you, the homeowner. Did you initiate it or did it | more...