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Articles Tagged With: First-time Home Buyer

FHA loans

Can I Do My Own Contracting Work With An FHA One-Time Close Construction Loan?

When applying for an FHA One-Time Close / Single-Close construction loan to have a house built from the ground up, some borrowers want to know if the FHA construction loan program will permit the borrower to act as her own contractor. FHA loan rules found in HUD 4000.1 would seem to make this question fairly easy to answer, but look beyond this quote from the FHA home loan rulebook-this isn’t the only rule that governs the FHA construction loan process: “The Borrower must have contracted with a builder to construct the improvements. The builder must be a licensed general contractor. While the FHA guidelines state “The Borrower may act as the general contractor, only if the Borrower is also a licensed general contractor,” the FHA lender can choose not to | more...

FHA loans

Rent Or Buy?

For some, buying is better. Why? Much depends on your financial goals but you should also take into consideration aesthetics and practical concerns, too. One argument favoring buying or building (on your own lot) a home with an FHA mortgage? The ability to modify your property without having to go running to the landlord to ask permission is a big one. But some renters don’t realize that you can when you own your home, also apply for a refinance loan to repair or modify your property. That is not something you can do with a rental unit. You’re basically at the mercy of the landlord in such cases. Another argument in favor of buying a home with an FHA mortgage instead of renting? The ability to purchase a multi-unit home | more...

FHA Options

Do You Need To Refinance?

Do you need to refinance your home loan, but aren’t sure what the difference is between an FHA Streamline Refinance loan and FHA cash-out refinancing? These loans have important differences, beginning with the availability of cash paid to the borrower at closing time. One refi option permits cash back, the other does not. FHA Cash-Out Refinancing Loans FHA cash-out refi loans allow the borrower to be paid cash at closing when the costs of the new loan have been satisfied and the original loan has been paid off. These cash-out loans are offered by both FHA lenders and conventional lenders; why should a borrower choose an FHA cash-out refinance? Interest rates are generally lower on government-backed mortgages like FHA refinance loans. That said, your FICO scores will affect the actual | more...

FHA loans

Home Renovation With An FHA Loan

There are two kinds of home renovation projects; the ones you plan and the unexpected renovation you may need to do if there is a sudden problem in the home after purchasing it. An unexpected home renovation can be caused by many things that were not a factor at the time your home inspection was done; a water pipe can burst, a stove can prematurely stop working, or storm damage could cause a leak in your roof. Repair experts and contractors will be quick to point out that even a home that passes an inspection can develop such problems through no fault of the builder or seller. An unexpected home repair situation isn’t uncommon for home owners, so what’s a borrower to do when the need arises? You can fund | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA Loan Credit Score Issues

If you do not know your credit score when you start reading this article, it’s best to plan to pull your credit reports as soon as possible after reading. If you want to get properly ready for a home loan application, you should know your credit score, the contents of your credit report, and whether you need to challenge or correct information on your credit reports. FHA Loan Credit Standards FHA loan rules for credit and FICO scores are minimum requirements. The minimums acceptable to the FHA are a baseline for the lender who may add higher credit score requirements depending on a variety of circumstances. What we’re discussing here are the FHA rules, lender requirements will vary. The FHA “Minimum Decision Credit Score” (MDCS) HUD 4000.1 is the FHA | more...

FHA loans

Need A Home Loan? Beware Of Escrow Fraud

There are common home loan scams that affect house hunters, even those applying for FHA home loans. One such scam–one you might actually encounter in your home buying journey–is called escrow fraud and it can affect even the most experienced homeowner if they are caught at just the wrong moment. Home Loan Scams Can Affect Any Type Of Mortgage Escrow scams are not associated with FHA mortgages alone, any type of home purchased with any type of home loan could be targeted. An important sense of any successful scam is creating a sense of urgency or emergency or a feeling that a big discount might be missed if you stop to consider the options. The scammer wants you to be in a hurry, not thinking critically, and ready to invest | more...

Home Loan

Before You Start House Hunting: Housing Counseling

Saving money is usually done to prepare for a home loan, but did you know there is a simple trick to saving money on mortgage expenses? It basically involves being a more informed borrower so you don’t mistakenly choose options that cost you more unnecessarily. Getting the right home loan for your needs can help you maximize your real estate dollar, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t know the options they have where home loans are concerned. A Freddie Mac report indicates that housing counseling and/or good financial education is a key benefit when you start the journey toward buying real estate. Knowing which loans are best for your needs and which ones to avoid is key. A Freddie Mac “Generation Z Study”, concluded, “The dream of | more...

FHA loans

FHA Loans: New Construction Vs. Existing Construction?

What is the difference between new construction and existing construction? For the purpose of an FHA home loan, the distinction can be important, even if it’s just on a procedural level. The FHA loan handbook (HUD 4000.1) makes important distinctions between new construction and existing construction loans. FHA Home Loans For Existing Construction Properties The FHA defines existing construction properties in a very specific way: “Existing Construction refers to a Property that has been 100 percent complete for over one year or has been completed for less than one year and was previously occupied.” The appraisal requirements for existing construction are not quite the same (in terms of timing, paperwork and required forms) but the issue that will most affect a typical borrower is in how the appraisal is to | more...

Conventional Loan Interest Rates Make History, FHA Loan Rates Still Incredibly Low

Are You Ready For An FHA Loan Application?

Are you ready for an FHA mortgage loan? Buying or refinancing a home with an FHA loan takes planning and preparation, but once you’ve put the time in and gather your information, budget for expenses, and check your credit, the process will be far more understandable and accessible. Are You Ready For An FHA Mortgage Loan Application? You may be ready to fill out your FHA mortgage loan or refinance loan application if you have spent the last year reviewing your credit reports, working on reducing your debt-to-income ratio, and have made sure to have 12 months of on-time payments on ALL financial responsibilities. You are ready to apply if you know what kind of home loan you need and how it will be used. For example, are you interested | more...

If Your Home Was Damaged In A Federally Declared Disaster Area

FHA Refinance Loans For Your First Home

Why should first-time home buyers start thinking about their FHA refinance loan options sooner instead of later? It’s not because you are actively planning to refinance, but there are circumstances which may make you reconsider your refi loan options. As a millennial home buyer, first-time homeowner, or any other type of borrower, unforeseen events or situations may have you re-thinking your long-term financial plans. There are FHA refinance loan options for first-time home buyers and new homeowners, but some are more appropriate for certain needs than others. FHA Refinance Loans For Upgrades, Repairs, And Home Improvements If your home is damaged in a storm, you experience a fire or flood, or need to repair your roof, an FHA 203(k) rehabilitation loan is the refinance you should ask a participating FHA | more...