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Articles Tagged With: FHA


How Do You Refinance An FHA Loan? FHA Refi Options

How do you refinance an FHA loan? In our last blog post on this subject, we discussed the need to determine your financial needs and goals before examining the different types of FHA refinance loan options. Are you planning to stay in your home for the duration of the loan? Do you need to sell long before then? The answers to those questions will help determine which refi loan is right for you. But what ARE those options? FHA Cash-Out and No Cash Out Refinance Loans Borrowers who have existing FHA mortgages or even non-FHA home loans can refinance with either FHA Cash-Out refinancing or a no-cash version of the same. Cash out refinance loans permit the borrower to get money back on the transaction. Basically once your original mortgage | more...

FHA loans

Happy Independence Day!

Today we pause from our usual schedule of writing about all things related to FHA home loans and refinance loans. We celebrate the 4th of July holiday with you today and will return tomorrow with our regular schedule of news and information about FHA mortgage loans. Have a safe and fun holiday, and thank you for reading!  

FHA mortgage options

Low Down Payment FHA Loans

What is the key to low down payment FHA loans? The answer might surprise you, especially if you’re a first time home buyer. Getting a mortgage loan means (in most cases) that the borrower must budget and save for a down payment, but the amount of that down payment can vary quite a bit depending on the lender. For conventional loans you may find down payment requirements between five and 20 percent. But with FHA home loans, that amount can be as low as 3.5% of the adjusted value of the property. For FHA loan applicants who have FICO scores that may be considered “marginal”, that down payment requirement may be adjusted to 10%. Why the higher down payment? FICO scores. Believe it or not, your credit rating can be | more...


HUD: June Is National Healthy Homes Month

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced the second-annual National Healthy Homes Month. According to a press release at the FHA/HUD official site, “Launched by HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH), National Healthy Homes Month 2017 will focus national attention on ways to keep people of all ages safe and healthy in their homes.” That focus includes an emphasis on lead paint. According to the HUD official site, National Healthy Homes Month is themed, “Just What the Doctor Ordered,” and put the spotlight on “the vital role that pediatricians and the health community play in healthy homes education” The HUD press release observes that due to lead poisoning and other home-connected health risks, creating a healthier home environment should be a top priority. “National | more...


FHA Appraisal Problems: A Reader Question

A reader asks, “I had an FHA appraisal and that came down said everything was in good working order, inspection on roof and all windows. Everything said it was old but good. Bought the house, got $5,000 off for repairs but turns out all windows need to be replaced. Roof needs to be replaced, central air unit needs to be replaced (which was done). But windows are all broken, don’t work and roof is leaking, all plywood needs to be replaced…is there anything we can do or is this all on us?” The implication of this reader question is that the reader did not pay for the optional (but critically important) home inspection. We can’t speculate on what actually happened, but all borrowers should know that it is stated FHA/HUD | more...


HUD Announces Extension of FHA 203(h) Disaster Insurance

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced an extension of FHA 203(h) loans for qualifying residents of federally declared disaster areas in Louisiana. The FHA 203(h) program is described in the FHA Single Family Handbook HUD 4000.1. “Section 203(h) of the National Housing Act authorizes FHA to insure Mortgages to victims of a Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Area (PDMDA) for the purchase or reconstruction of a Single Family Property.” According to the HUD official site, there is now an “additional period of eligibility for section 203(h) mortgage, as a result of the extension of Federal Assistance for victims of the March 13, 2016 and August 14, 2016 Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas of Louisiana…”. FHA loan rules state that unless an extension is offered, the case numbers for FHA 203(h) | more...


HUD Kicks Off National Homeownership Month

The HUD official site (www.HUD.gov) has announced that June is National Home Ownership Month. According to a HUD press release, June has been declared a time, “to reflect upon the impact owning a home has on household wealth, neighborhood stability and the nation’s broader economic health. The theme of National Homeownership Month 2017 is ‘Find Your Place in a New Era of Homeownership.'” The press release also adds that HUD Secretary Ben Carson helped begin Homeownership Month, “by hosting an academic forum on the state of homeownership in the U.S. following the housing crisis, specifically the challenges Millennials face” as the generation enters the job and housing markets. “After all we’ve been through, homeownership remains an American value and the cornerstone of our economy,” said Secretary Carson in the HUD | more...

FHA loans

Happy Memorial Day 2017!

Happy Memorial Day! We pause today from our usual posts about FHA home loans, refinance loans, and related topics to recognize the sacrifices made by our women and men in uniform. Thank you to all who have served-from those who have gone before to those who are about to enter their first year in uniform in service to our country. We return with our regularly scheduled posts on Tuesday. Thank you for reading, and have a safe and happy Memorial Day 2017.

Mortgage Loan Rate Trends

Mortgage Rate Trends: Pushing Higher

Since our last report, mortgage rate trends have been in the “higher” category. That’s due at least in part, according to our sources, to local political drama which has sent investors moving for safer havens. Those moves often reflect badly on rates, and those hoping for a chance to squeeze more recovery out of current trends likely weren’t counting on breaking news about possible impeachment proceedings over FBI director James Comey and questions of Russian involvement in U.S. politics to influence mortgage rates. But they have, however indirectly. At the time of this writing, 30-year fixed rate conventional mortgage rate numbers have taken an upward turn to 4.0%, best execution. That’s out of a previous range of rates, with 4.0% being the bottom end of the range. FHA mortgage loan | more...

Can I buy a manufactured home with an FHA loan?

FHA Loan Questions: Credit Score

Do FHA loan rules require more than one credit score for a borrower to qualify for a mortgage loan? That’s what one reader wants to know this week: “Can you tell me if FHA can lend if someone only has one score? It’s a 621 score. This home buyer had a short sale four years ago and did not rebuild credit as she decided not to get any credit cards. She has a debit card and that is it. Please advise if one score would be accepted?” FHA loan rules for credit score requirements are found in HUD 4000.1, the FHA single-family home loan rule book. HUD 4000.1 has instructions to the lender for credit score requirements which include the following about what is called the Minimum Decision Credit Score: | more...