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Articles Tagged With: FHA

White House

White House Announces Federal Disaster Assistance For Texas

On Friday, August 26, 2017, the White House announced federal aid for Texas to help affected counties in the state recover from Hurricane Harvey. According to Whitehouse.gov, the President “declared that a major disaster exists in the State of Texas and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by Hurricane Harvey beginning on August 23, 2017, and continuing.” A complete list of affected counties named as federal disaster areas is not available at the time of this writing, and conditions may be such that more counties are listed in the coming days or weeks. But for all affected areas, the FHA and HUD have disaster relief measures that can help home owners trying to recover from the effects of the hurricane including high | more...

What if my home was damaged in a natural disaster?

What If My Home Was Damaged In A Natural Disaster?

What if my home was damaged in a natural disaster? This is an important question. The answers, depending on circumstances, may affect FHA borrowers and non-FHA borrowers alike. The FHA and HUD official site discusses a variety of remedies for those who have experienced a natural disaster. Some of the most important advice? Contact your lender, your insurance agent, and FEMA as soon as possible after the disaster to make arrangements regarding FHA loan forbearance, foreclosure avoidance, and federal assistance. For borrowers with conventional mortgages, different options and requirements may apply. It is not safe to assume that any of the above is automatic-in most cases help must be applied for, especially where FEMA is concerned. Borrowers should also not allow themselves to be pressured into quick insurance settlements. You | more...

FHA Home loan appraisal rules

Do Section 8 Housing Vouchers Count For FHA Loans?

There are many different types of income that can be used to qualify for an FHA home loan. While there is no minimum or maximum income requirement to qualify for an FHA mortgage, the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio, stability and duration of income, and other factors will be scrutinized as part of the loan application process. Some income is simple to verify. Other types of income have have additional requirements. That is true of certain public assistance including Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers and income received from government-run public assistance programs. In these cases the duration of the payments will be an important factor. Using Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers As Income The FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, states on page 210 that a lender is responsible for verifying the nature | more...

What kind of FHA loans are available?

What Kind Of FHA Loans Are Available?

What kind of FHA loans are available? This is an important question because it’s good to know what is not possible with an FHA mortgage as well as the options available to you. For example, some ask if an FHA loan can be used like a personal loan-is it possible to buy a home with an FHA mortgage but apply for more money than you need to complete the transaction? The answer in this case would be no, because FHA loan rules do not permit cash back to the borrower in that way at closing time, refunds excepted. So what can you do with an FHA mortgage loan? FHA Loans For Single Family Residences FHA home loans are intended for owner-occupiers. That means if you buy a property with an | more...

FHA loan

Can I Get A Second FHA Appraisal?

Can I get a second FHA appraisal? There are a few reasons why a borrow might feel motivated to ask that question, but in many cases it could be due to a disagreement about the outcome of the original FHA appraisal. Ordering A Second FHA Appraisal FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1, the FHA single-family home loan handbook, clearly state the FHA’s position on ordering second appraisals due to a dispute over the outcome. “The Mortgagee is prohibited from ordering an additional appraisal to achieve an increase in value for the Property and/or the elimination or reduction of deficiencies and/or repairs required.” That is simple enough. However, there may be situations where one party to the loan feels that the appraisal was not done competently or that the appraisal is | more...

Get A Free Credit Report Before Applying For An FHA Loan

Where Can I Get An FHA Loan?

Where can I get an FHA loan? There are plenty of options when you are ready to begin your journey to become a home owner-you can apply in person, or get pre-qualified or apply online. How does it all work? Who Offers FHA Home Loans? FHA mortgages are offered by participating lenders who have been approved by the FHA to offer FHA mortgages, refinance loans, FHA Reverse Mortgages, and rehab loans. The FHA itself does not loan the money for you to purchase your home. The FHA may require the lender, depending on circumstances, to work with the FHA to approve certain home loans, but many FHA lenders have earned the right to offer loans “unsupervised”, meaning they have met standards that permit them to make decisions on loan approval | more...

FHA Mortgage

What Can I Add To My FHA Mortgage Loan?

What can I add to my FHA mortgage loan? There’s a list of items that may be allowed to be added to your mortgage loan above and beyond the adjusted value of your property. Let’s examine what the FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, has to say about adding certain costs to your home loan amount. Calculating The Maximum Mortgage Amount On Your FHA Loan To start, let’s see what HUD 4000.1 says about how the lender is expected to calculate the maximum mortgage amount. “The maximum mortgage amount that FHA will insure on a specific purchase is calculated by multiplying the appropriate LTV percentage by the Adjusted Value. In order for FHA to insure this maximum mortgage amount, the Borrower must make a Minimum Required Investment (MRI) of at least | more...

Who can apply for FHA Reverse Mortgages?

Where Can I Apply For An FHA Loan? Part Two

In our previous blog post about getting FHA loans, we discussed what a participating FHA lender is, and why you might not find the same types of FHA loans from lender to lender. Where can you apply for an FHA loan? Through a participating FHA lender who offers the type of home loan you need. But there’s more to this than just seeking and finding the right financial institution. Get Pre-Approved For An FHA Loan When you find an FHA lender who offers the type of loan you need (new purchase, construction loan, condo loan, etc.) be sure to ask about the pre-approval process and what it takes to get pre-approved. Doing so can help you a great deal-you’ll have a better idea about the rough amount of loan you | more...


What Is An FHA Loan?

What is an FHA loan? Simply put, an FHA loan is a kind of home loan that is guaranteed by the FHA and issued by a participating lender. Only FHA-approved participating lenders may offer FHA home loans, and the FHA itself does not lend money to home loan applicants. What The FHA Loan Program Can Do For You FHA loans can help you purchase a new home. These homes can be already built, but qualified borrowers also have the option to apply for FHA loans to pay for a home to be constructed from the ground up. Such loans are generally for what is known in the industry as “stick built” housing, which means a home that is constructed on-site rather than a manufactured home which is shipped in sections | more...

FHA Home Loans

Who Can Refinance An FHA Loan?

Who can refinance an FHA loan? There are rules and requirements for refinancing an FHA mortgage loan that include prohibitions to ensure fair lending, but also restrictions on who may refinance depending on the status of the applicant as a borrower or co-borrower on the original loan. The rules that govern who can refinance an FHA loan, and how it may be done, are found in the FHA handbook, HUD 4000.1. There, we learn: “A party who has a financial interest in the mortgage transaction, such as the seller, builder or real estate agent, may not be a co-Borrower or a Cosigner. Exceptions may be granted when the party with the financial interest is a Family Member.” Furthermore: “To be eligible, all occupying and non-occupying Borrowers and co-Borrowers must take | more...