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Articles Tagged With: FHA

Rehab Refinance Loans, reverse mortgages

Which Debts Are Evaluated For My FHA Home Loan?

Which of my debts are evaluated for an FHA home loan? Borrowers sometimes get nervous about this issue, especially if they are concerned about carrying too much debt to qualify for a home loan. FHA loan rules governing how a borrower’s debt load must be reviewed by the lender are found in HUD 4000.1. One section titled “General Liabilities and Debts” states: “The Mortgagee must determine the Borrower’s monthly liabilities by reviewing all debts listed on the credit report, Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA), and required documentation.” The basic answer to the question may depend on whether the lender is manually underwriting the mortgage loan or using the TOTAL system to evaluate the application. TOTAL is an “automatic” underwriting tool, and when using this tool, the lender is instructed as | more...

FHA loans

Can I Get An FHA Home Loan For A Mixed-Use Property?

Can I get an FHA loan for a mixed use property? Many borrowers want to know if the building they want to buy is still eligible for an FHA loan in spite of zoning issues, design, or other factors that render the home a combination of a residence and non-residential purposes. What do FHA home loan rules in HUD 4000.1 say about such transactions? To begin, the FHA defines what it deems to be “mixed use property”: “Mixed Use refers to a Property suitable for a combination of uses including any of the following: commercial, residential, retail, office or parking space. Mixed Use one- to four-unit Single Family Properties are eligible for FHA insurance” with certain restrictions in place. It’s important to note that FHA loan rules in this area | more...

Can I buy a manufactured home with an FHA loan?

Can I Buy A Manufactured Home With An FHA Mortgage?

Can I buy a manufactured home with an FHA loan? That is a question on the minds of many who are interested in purchasing a mobile home or manufactured home. What are the FHA loan rules for these properties? For starters, It IS possible to buy a mobile home or manufactured home using an FHA mortgage. Not all participating FHA lenders offer these loans (that’s up to the discretion of the lender) so you will need to find a lender who offers this type of FHA mortgage. Secondly, the homes themselves must meet FHA loan standards and other requirements in order to qualify for the mortgage. What are the FHA loan rules for mobile and manufactured home loans? One of the most basic areas addressed in the FHA loan handbook | more...


HUD Announces Disaster Relief For Virgin Islands, Georgia

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced disaster relief for parts of Georgia and the U.S. Virgin Islands. As more parts of the United States and its’ protectorates are affected by hurricanes and tropical storms, many of those areas are being declared federal disaster areas and as such become eligible for certain aid from HUD, FEMA, and other agencies. The disaster declaration for St. Thomas and St. John islands, plus Camden, Chatham, and Glynn counties in Georgia mean that the FHA “activates a mortgagee letter making a variety of insured loan programs available for disaster victims and putting into play use of special loan servicing and underwriting requirements” according to the FHA/HUD official site. What options are available in these areas? According to HUD, those directly affected | more...

What you should know about FHA 203(h) Loans For Disaster Victims

What You Should Know About FHA 203(h) Loans For Disaster Victims

After Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has been issuing press releases as more federal disaster areas are declared in affected counties. When the government names such disaster areas, they become eligible for a variety of relief measures including FHA 203(h) loans for disaster victims. During this particular set of disasters, there’s been a trend( in news media and among those affected by the hurricanes) to refer to those who have experienced them as “survivors” rather than “victims”. While that is acknowledged and respected here, the wording used in official FHA/HUD guidance such as the FHA Single Family Home Loan Handbook (HUD 4000.1) is “victims” and for accuracy’s sake that’s how we’ll reference the materials when quoting from and discussing these references. What You | more...

FHA disaster relief changes

Can I Get An FHA 203(h) Rehab Loan With Bad Credit?

Can I get an FHA 203(h) rehab loan with bad credit? That question is a serious one in the wake of natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. Borrowers who are in the process of fixing bad credit, catching up on their payments, or trying to improve their overall credit situation have enough to manage without the added complication of trying to repair or salvage a home damaged in a natural disaster. What are the FHA loan rules for credit qualifications when applying for FHA 203(h) rehab loans in federally-declared disaster areas? FHA Loan Credit Requirements For 203(h) Rehab Mortgages The FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, instructs lenders processing 203(h) rehab loans and refinance loans to be as flexible as possible with credit requirements. That flexibility is governed | more...

FHA home loan

What Should I Know About FHA Home Loan Escrow Account Rules?

What should I know about FHA loan escrow account rules? Depending on the nature of your transaction, lender standards, and other issues, you may be required to use an escrow account to complete or maintain your FHA mortgage. The rules for escrow accounts to be used in FHA loan transactions are found in the FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1. The section governing escrow includes guidance that such accounts must be established in accordance with procedures defined in the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. The escrow account must be maintained in order to meet monthly financial obligations including the following (where applicable) as found in HUD 4000.1: -hazard insurance premiums; -real estate taxes; -Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP); -special assessments, including any assessments related to a PACE obligation; -flood insurance premiums if | more...

Refinancing a Second Home With An FHA Mortgage Loan

Can I Buy A Condo Unit With An FHA Mortgage?

Can I buy a condo unit with an FHA mortgage? Some people have a misconception about FHA mortgages, thinking they are intended for a certain income bracket, a certain type of home, or that it is possible to earn “too much income” to qualify for an FHA loan. None of those things are true. You cannot earn too much money to qualify, and you can explore options to buy a variety of property types up to and including condominium units. Yes, FHA condo loans are possible, but they have some unique requirements (see the section on the FHA “condo project approval” list) and certain property types may be listed as condos even if they are “detached dwellings”. The requirements for these units, sometimes known as “site condos” vary slightly from | more...

FHA loans

Can Military Members Apply For FHA Mortgages?

Can military members apply for FHA mortgages? There are plenty of reasons why a currently serving military member, retiree, or veteran might want to explore FHA mortgage loan options. One reason? Borrowers who have purchased property with a VA mortgage but want to buy a new primary residence might choose to explore FHA loan options rather than try to have VA loan eligibility renewed. A borrower may wish to save their VA options for later, and turn to FHA mortgages instead thanks to some similarities between both programs including Streamline Refinance loan options. What do FHA loan rules say about military members and their ability to use FHA loans instead of VA mortgage loan options? One issue with FHA loans is the occupancy requirement. Borrowers are required to occupy the | more...

FHA Loans And Natural Disasters: What You Should Know

FHA Loans And Natural Disasters: What You Should Know

FHA home loans can be affected by natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey. Whether you have experienced damage to your property due to high winds, flooding, or other issues, once that damage has been done you will need to deal with your mortgage lender, your insurance company, and other agencies. Some borrowers may need financial relief in the form of loan forbearance, foreclosure avoidance or other measures. The FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, has a section heading titled “Loss Mitigation” which is all about foreclosure avoidance and options borrowers may have to save their homes. Those options include what happens after a natural disaster, starting with a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures based on circumstances outlined below: “FHA-insured Mortgages secured by Properties located in Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas (PDMDA) will be | more...