September 25, 2017
Which Debts Are Evaluated For My FHA Home Loan?
Which of my debts are evaluated for an FHA home loan? Borrowers sometimes get nervous about this issue, especially if they are concerned about carrying too much debt to qualify for a home loan. FHA loan rules governing how a borrower’s debt load must be reviewed by the lender are found in HUD 4000.1. One section titled “General Liabilities and Debts” states: “The Mortgagee must determine the Borrower’s monthly liabilities by reviewing all debts listed on the credit report, Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA), and required documentation.” The basic answer to the question may depend on whether the lender is manually underwriting the mortgage loan or using the TOTAL system to evaluate the application. TOTAL is an “automatic” underwriting tool, and when using this tool, the lender is instructed as | more...