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Articles Tagged With: Single Family Handbook 4000.1

FHA/HUD Assistance For Hawaii Storm Victims

The FHA and HUD have announced disaster assistance for victims of recent storms in Hawaii. According to a press release issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the department will “speed federal disaster assistance to the State of Hawaii and provide support to homeowners and low-income renters forced from their homes following severe storms, flooding and landslides” during the month of March. The announcement comes after a presidential disaster declaration for Hawaii’s Kauai County. According to the press release, “The President


FHA Loan Credit Score Requirements

The FHA recently published “The Facts on FHA” on the official blog of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. One of the highlights of that post included a list of actions FHA and HUD have taken since 2009–more steps “to eliminate unnecessary credit risk and assure strong premium revenue flows than any Administration in FHA history” according to acting Federal Housing Administration Commissioner and Assistant Secretary for Housing, Carol Galante. One of the changes made by the FHA in recent times is an update to the required combination of FICO score requirements and down payments. According to Galante, “New borrowers will now be required to have a minimum FICO score of 580 to qualify for FHA’s 3.5% down payment program. New borrowers with less than a 580 FICO score | more...


FHA Kicks Off Fair Housing Month With Discrimination Settlements

The FHA and HUD begin Fair Housing Month by announcing settlements with lenders accused of violating the Fair Housing Act. Magna Bank and Home Loan Center have both settled with the FHA in cases where the lenders are accused of discriminating against women on maternity leave who had applied for home loans. According to a press release from the FHA/HUD, “The settlement agreement signed by Magna Bank requires the bank to pay one woman $14,085 for allegedly requiring her to return to work before her loan application could be approved. In another settlement agreement, Home Loan Center, Inc., agreed to pay a Las Vegas woman $15,000 for denying her application to refinance her mortgage because she was on maternity leave.” The Fair Housing Act, which went into effect 44 years | more...


Policy Changes For FHA Short Refinancing Loans: Debt-To-Income Ratio

Recently we’ve been reporting on the latest policy changes to the FHA Short Refinancing Loan program. There’s one last change to cover–the new rules for debt to income ratios. For the FHA Short Refinancing Program, the maximum debt to income ratios have changed in some situations. The FHA mortgagee letter outlining changes FHA Short Refinance loans states: “Mortgagee Letter 2010-23, provides specific guidance for debt-to-income ratios for loans that


FHA Home Loan Down Payment Rules–Payment Sources

FHA new purchase home loan programs, where the borrower is buying a new or pre-owned home, require the borrower to make a minimum down payment of 3.5% of either the appraised value of the property or the asking price of the home, whichever is lower. FHA loan down payments are strictly regulated, and not just with the percentage required to put down as the minimum cash investment. Did you know the FHA also requires documentation on the source of the down payment money depending on circumstances? FHA rules state documentation is required when the borrower pays more than 2% of the sale price. It


What You Should Know About FHA ARM Loans

Did you know the FHA loan program gives borrowers the option of choosing an adjustable rate mortgage, also known as an FHA ARM loan? Adjustable rate mortgage loans offer an introductory interest rate which, according to the terms of the individual loan, change after the introductory fixed rate period. How long the introductory period may last can vary depending on the loan. Once the introductory rate period has elapsed, the adjustable rate is subject to a cap which can apply year-to-year, or over the lifetime of the FHA loan. The introductory interest rate is often lower than the fixed rate of conventional home loans, making ARM loans attractive to some borrowers depending on their financial needs and goals. ARM loans are comprised of four basic components; the index, margin, interest | more...


FHA Loan Rules: Proposed Seller Concession Changes

When a house hunter wants to buy a home with an FHA insured mortgage, he or she may find a seller willing to offer incentives–known as seller concessions–to make the deal more attractive. Seller concessions can include interest rate buydowns, discount points or other contributions that are related to closing costs. At the time of this writing, FHA loan rules state that these concessions can total no more than six percent of the sales price. Any more than six percent is considered an inducement to purchase the property and the FHA requires an adjustment in the loan amount. According to the FHA official site, “Each dollar exceeding FHA


FHA Home Loan Interest Rates

The FHA loan rulebook provides lenders with a set of guidelines and requirements for FHA loans. One important section of those rules, as found in HUDdoc 4155.1, has to do with interest rates and something called interest rate lock-in periods. The government does not set the interest rates for FHA loans. According to the FHA loan rules, “Under all currently active FHA single family mortgage insurance programs, the borrower and the lender negotiate the interest rate and any discount points.” But the fact that those rates and points are negotiable does not mean interest rates are not regulated by FHA loan rules–once those rates are agreed upon, the lender must abide by the rules for the FHA loan program. For example, the amount of time the lender is bound to | more...


Reader Question: FHA Loan Down Payment Rules By State

A recent reader left a message in our comments section asking, “If u live in Minnesota what the requirements for down payments on FHA loan?” Some FHA loan applicants may have the mistaken impression that FHA rules for down payments vary from state to state, so we thought it important to dispel that notion once and for all. FHA loan rules state there is a minimum down payment of 3.5%. According to the FHA official site (on the Let FHA Loans Help You page), “Your down payment can be as low as 3.5% of the purchase price, and most of your closing costs and fees can be included in the loan. Available on 1-4 unit properties.” However, FHA loan applicants should know there may be additional factors that affect the | more...