November 29, 2012
FHA Home Loan Foreclosure Avoidance Policy Changes
Recently, the FHA issued a press release announcing changes to its loss mitigation and foreclosure avoidance policies. We’ve reported on some of those changes in previous blog posts; we haven’t yet covered the FHA’s revised loss mitigation options and changes to those policies. According to HUDNo.12-22, in the section titled “Updated Loss Mitigation Priority Order Requirements” you’ll find the following new policy information on how the FHA handles its loss mitigation options–described in order of priority. According to the FHA, “After evaluating a delinquent mortgagor for Informal and Formal Forbearance Plans, FHA’s Loss Mitigation options must be considered in the following order: (1) Special Forbearances; (2) Loan Modifications; and (3) FHA-HAMP.” How does this evaluation process work? The FHA explains, “Before four full monthly installments due on the mortgage have | more...