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Articles Tagged With: FHA Requirements

FHA Loan Application Rules

When some FHA mortgage loan applicants fill out their loan paperwork, it may be tempting to leave recent or new financial obligations out of that paperwork. In some cases it may be a simple oversight, in others it might be a question of an applicant mistakenly thinking that the lender won’t know or can’t find out. What’s the reality? FHA loan rules anticipate situations like these. In HUD 4155.1, Chapter Four, Section C, there’s a heading titled, “Recent and/or Undisclosed Debts or Inquiries”. It states: “Lenders must determine the purpose of any recent debts, as the borrower may have incurred the indebtedness to obtain the required cash investment.” That means that the lender must, among other things, determine whether the borrower has gone into debt in order to make his | more...


FHA Loan Credit Standards

When applying for an FHA home loan, many borrowers are in the dark about credit score requirements and other issues related to FICO scores in general. We recently answered a reader question about FHA loan credit requirements and now is a good time to review FHA policy on FICO scores. The FHA requires the lender to use an available credit score to determine whether or not the borrower is eligible for an FHA home loan. The FHA has rules for interpreting or using FICO scores from credit reports. According to the FHA Frequently Asked Questions list on the official site: “When the credit report reflects: • 3 credit scores (one from each repository) – the middle score is used • 2 credit scores – the lower of the two scores | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Credit Scores

A reader asks, “My credit score is in the ‘poor’ range (low score 475. Hi score 585) and I will need assistance with down payment. However, I have an excellent income and have been on the job over 15 yrs. I have recently been approved for an auto loan which I am using to I prove my credit scores. Might I qualify for FHA, and what assistance is available for the down?” The FHA has rules about minimum credit scores needed for FHA loan approval. According to the FHA official site: “When a credit score is available, it must be used to determine eligibility for FHA insured financing. The score that is used to determine eligibility is called the ‘decision credit score’. When the credit report reflects: • 3 credit | more...


HUD Settles Alabama Housing Discrimination Case

A press release issued by the FHA and HUD announces the settlement of a housing discrimination case in Alabama. According to HUDNo.13-077, “The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced today that LLB&B, Inc., a real estate company based in Mobile, AL, will pay $29,000 as part of a Conciliation Agreement resolving allegations that one of its agents refused to show a condominium to a prospective homebuyer because he is African American. ” This violation of the Fair Housing Act came to light thanks only to a misdirected phone call. According to the press release, “The homebuyer alleged that he learned of the discrimination when the real estate agent inadvertently left a message on his telephone voicemail indicating her belief that white neighbors would ‘panic’ at the prospect of | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Foreclosure and the Three-Year Waiting Period

A reader asks, “I had a home that Foreclosed in 2009. The Sheriff Sale was completed in December 2009, however according to the FHA office the claim on my home was not closed out until a little over a year later on January 14, 2011.” “Which means that instead of being in a position for another FHA Loan in 2012 we have to wait until January 2014, which is considered to be over 4 years since the Sheriff Sale. Why would it take so long between the Sale and the actual closing of the claim on the house? Is there anything I can do other than wait until 2014?” While we can’t address why it takes so long between a foreclosure and the sheriff sale, we can address the portion | more...


FHA Loan Questions: Identity Of Interest Transactions

One common question about FHA home loans involves the FHA rules about who can sell to whom. When it comes to a home owner selling property to someone they do not know, the rules are simple. FHA guidelines don’t allow a home owner with an “identity of interest” in the outcome of the sale to sell to an FHA borrower AND be a co-signer or co-borrower on the mortgage. What does that mean? According to HUD 4155.1 Chapter Four Section A, “A party who has a financial interest in the mortgage loan transaction, such as the seller, builder, or real estate agent, may not be a coborrower or a cosigner.” You can’t be both the buyer AND the seller. But what about in cases where the seller is a relative? | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: HOA Issues

A reader asks, “The town home next door is ruined by fire in July 2012 and not repairing. Trash in carport…I have one wall connecting with that house and my roof is damaged too. I contacted the HOA (I pay $ 100 each month and they should repair roof, clean up territory, etc) but they will DO NOT make any repairs or clean-ups. Even broken sidewalk by broken unit not repaired! I contacted the City and few Code Enforcement officers show up, now is almost year gone but no repairs…I call Code Enforcement again, but they told me, ‘case in progress’ and nothing more. How I can save my house from damage from that broken unit next door – and make Association do the work and repair the roof and | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Short Sales, Credit Scores and FHA Loans

A reader asks, “I was in the Independent Foreclosure Review. I was put in a modification for a year made all my payments and they sold my mortgage and then sent me a letter saying I was denied. I ended up short saleing on 7/5/11. My credit score is 561, what are my chances of getting an FHA loan?” Short sales in and of themselves may not be an automatic barrier to an new FHA home loan if the borrower was current on the mortgage at the time of the sale. You may find that in cases where there was a delinquency or late payments at the time of the short sale, a borrower may be required to wait at least 12 months from the time of the last late | more...


Deadline For New FHA MIP Policy Approaches

The deadline for a new FHA mortgage insurance premium policy is approaching; beginning on June 3, 2013 most FHA loans endorsed on or after that date will be affected by the following changes as described in FHA Mortgagee Letter 2013-04: “For loans with FHA case numbers assigned on or after June 3, 2013, FHA will collect the annual MIP for the maximum duration permitted under statute.” That basically means that many affected FHA loans will feature annual MIP for the duration of the loan rather than cancelling the MIP after a certain point. Other FHA loans will  have MIP where there was none required previously. Additionally, Mortgagee Letter 2013-04 states, “For all mortgages regardless of their amortization terms, any mortgage involving an original principal obligation (excluding financed Up-Front MIP (UFMIP)) | more...


FHA Loans and Non-Traditional Credit

One commonly asked question about FHA mortgage loans involves the eligibility of borrowers who don’t have what are considered “traditional” credit histories. Can a borrower with little or no credit still qualify for an FHA loan? FHA loan rules do make provisions for those who have little credit history that can be researched via a typical credit bureau report. In cases like these, the lender is required to review certain types of documentation to verify the borrower is a good credit risk. According to HUD 4155.1, “In order for the underwriter to determine that a borrower has sufficient credit references to help evaluate bill paying habits, the credit history must…include three credit references” including at least one of the following: Rental housing payments (subject to independent verification if the borrower | more...