June 28, 2013
FHA/HUD Announce Relief For Alaska Flood Victims
The FHA and HUD have issued a press release announcing relief for victims of recent flooding in Alaska. According to HUDNo.13-100, released Thursday June 27, 2013, “U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan today announced HUD will speed federal disaster assistance to the State of Alaska and provide support to homeowners and low-income renters forced from their homes due to recent flooding.” This assistance came after the President made an announcement declaring parts of Alaska affected by the flooding to be federal disaster areas. According to the press release, “President Obama issued a disaster declaration for Alaska Gateway Regional Educational Attendance Area, Copper River Regional Educational Attendance Area, Lower Yukon Regional Educational Attendance Area, Yukon Flats Regional Educational Attendance Area and Yukon Koyukuk Regional Educational Attendance Area.” The federal | more...