September 23, 2015
HUD 4000.1 And Changes To The FHA Streamlined 203(k) Rehab Loan
Since the FHA and HUD published the new Single Family home loan policy handbook, HUD 4000.1, we’ve been examining changes and updates to FHA loan rules. One such update affects the FHA 203(k) Streamline Loan, sometimes called and FHA streamline rehab loan. According to the FHA official site, the changes are not being reported in a mortgagee letter or other official FHA/HUD document, because lenders are being asked to review the program policies in their entirety. That said, FHA/HUD did publish a brief list of updates with a few basic details. “FHA is not publishing a detailed document of specific changes to the 203(k) product section,” the official site states, “as it is important that mortgagees and 203(k) consultants read the section in its entirety to understand the policy within | more...