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Articles Tagged With: FHA Mortgage

Mortgage Trends

What To Know About Changing Mortgage Loan Interest Rates

In October 2023, fixed-rate mortgage rates spiked to what CNBC called “the highest level” since the year 2000. But adjustable rate mortgages did not follow suit. Instead, ARM loan rates fell. You might be wondering why. CNBC reported the higher fixed rate mortgages caused more people to explore ARM loan options. Increased demand seems to have made ARM applications go up. and demand fell from an average of 6.49% down to an estimated 6.33%.  Adjustable Rate Mortgages, Fixed Rate Mortgages Adjustable rate mortgages offer lower introductory rates. Once the intro rate expires these loans feature rate adjustment periods. The lower rate makes it potentially cheaper to buy a home. At least until the rate adjustments begin. Future-minded borrowers should consider applying for ARM loans with an exit strategy to deal | more...

FHA loans

FHA Home Loan Approval And Your Income

Some important financial issues can derail your FHA home loan application. They include missed housing payments, FICO scores that don’t meet lender standards, or a lack of time in the job market. These are all factors that can lead to a “no” from a lender. But there’s a “new” wrinkle. Insufficient income–not a new problem, obviously, as many aspire to buy a home but can’t afford it yet. But it is a trending issue in ways that make some financial pundits sit up and take notice. According to CNBC, insufficient income is a problem is a major reason why some loan applications get rejected in 2023. Rates And Mortgage Payments Higher In 2023 Home loan interest rates were flirting with the 8% range at the time of this writing, and higher rates | more...

FHA loans

Optional And Mandatory FHA Home Loan Fees

If you are new to house hunting or new to the FHA loan process and feel intimidated shopping around for a lender, realtor, or contractor, you may wonder whether certain third-party home loan services are worth the effort and expense.  Borrowers need certain services like inspections and home appraisals, but for others, you may want to think a bit before committing. Realtors and Real Estate Agents Some mistakenly believe you MUST use an agent to buy a home. But what’s the reality? Hiring a realtor is 100% optional. That said, do you feel more comfortable with one instead of without? Using a realtor is not a waste of money if you are unfamiliar with the neighborhood, the city, or the state. It’s also a good move if you aren’t quite | more...

FHA Home Loan

Common FHA Home Loan Questions

Got questions about the FHA home loan journey? You are not alone. Many first-timers and experienced house hunters have questions about FHA mortgages. Here are some of the most popular.  When reviewing these answers, don’t forget that some issues related to FHA loan approval are circumstantial. Your loan application is typically handled on a case-by-case basis, so it’s smart to assume your circumstances may be unique depending on what the issue is. It always helps to talk to a participating FHA lender. How Much Do I Need To Save For An FHA Home Loan? Expect a downpayment minimum of 3.5% of the sale price of the home. You should also expect to save between 2% and 6% of the total loan amount for closing costs.  If you want to know | more...

FHA Loan

Buying A Home In A Difficult Housing Market

Do you plan to buy a home in 2024? If you are currently planning and saving for your loan, you likely have seen headlines predicting a tough market in the coming months.  According to a 2023 article published by CNBC, home prices are expected to keep rising in 2024. Those are observations based on real estate forecasts from the National Association of Realtors and federal agencies. What should you know about buying a home as we head into 2024? In some cases it may be a simple matter of adding extra time into your home loan process for planning and saving. For others, it may be a matter of choosing the right type of mortgage loan. For example, instead of competing for a limited inventory of existing homes, some applicants | more...

Home Loan

Who Gets Involved In Your FHA Home Loan?

Buying a home with an FHA loan involves more than just three people; the buyer, the seller, and the participating lender’s loan officer. Third parties are typically involved in your transaction as you make your way to closing day and home ownership. Who are these third parties and why do you need to know them? They can include title companies, home inspectors, pest control, and real estate agents. Knowing the service providers are in your area is key since you will need to compare services and prices before you commit. Title Search For The House You Want To Buy A title search is a crucial step in the home buying process. Don’t buy a home without a title search as you need that process to tell you if there are unresolved | more...


Buying A House With More Than One Living Unit

FHA mortgages are not limited to single-unit homes. Did you know that it’s possible to buy a home with an FHA loan that has as many as four living units? First-time home buyers looking for smaller homes might not have considered using an FHA mortgage to buy a house with multiple living units. And doing so is not for everyone. But for those who do need that larger home, it’s an option worth looking into for more than one reason. Multi-Unit Home Purchases Using An FHA Mortgage? FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 permit the purchase of house with up to four living units without changing the basic loan approval structure. You won’t be asked to make a down payment larger percentagewise than for a single-unit home. That said, a | more...

FHA Home Loan

Before You Buy Your First Home

Are you a first-time home buyer? The house hunting process is one that is best approached with some planning, and you will find plenty of advice online about what to do ahead of your loan application. But what about what NOT to do? There are fairly obvious things not to do. Nobody should apply for a car loan while buying a home, for example. You should not quit your current job, or make major financial changes while trying to convince a lender you are an acceptable risk for a home loan. But what about the other things to avoid when buying your new home? Don’t Take The First House You Really Like Some borrowers get emotional about the first property they find that they could see themselves owning. If you | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

FHA Home Loan Questions, FHA Home Loan Answers

First-time home buyers looking for an affordable home loan often turn to the FHA mortgage. The low downpayment requirement for those who financially qualify is an option worth looking into. Many first-time FHA borrowers have questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked. Do FHA Borrowers Need A Real Estate Agent? A real estate agent is not a requirement when you buy a home with an FHA mortgage. That said, many prefer to work with a real estate agent or realtor since they can be helpful for those who don’t know the local area and to those who need help finding a home near the right services. Some house hunters are simply are not comfortable navigating the purchase of a home and in such cases a real estate agent | more...

FHA mortgages and refinance loans

How Much FHA Loan Do You Need?

How much can you borrow with an FHA mortgage? If you are looking at FHA loan limits as a new home buyer, it’s easy to assume those numbers represent the total amount that the lender will offer once the loan application is approved. But should you expect to borrow that maximum loan amount? FHA Loan Limits 101 FHA loan limits vary. They are not identical for all housing markets or housing sizes. There is a maximum loan amount for high-cost counties, FHA loan limits are higher for multi-unit homes, and there is a lower FHA loan limit in areas that don’t cost as much as the most expensive housing markets.  What To Know About FHA Loan Limits FHA loan limits have a maximum or “ceiling” for high-cost housing markets and | more...