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Articles Tagged With: FHA Loan

FHA Loan Appraisal Rules: A Reader Question

A reader asks, “I have been told by my realtor and the lender that an appraisal on a house I own will be on record for 180 days. They said that the appraised value will be on record and no other FHA appraisal can be made during this 180 day period. Is there a master list that other lenders and appraisers cross reference during this six month period? My reading of your blog indicates that if another FHA buyer makes an offer on my property. a different appraisal would need to be performed.” HUD 4000.1 does indeed contain language that leads one to believe that a new appraisal may be required. On page 120, we find the following: “The Mortgagee must order a new appraisal for each Mortgage or refinance | more...

Who can apply for an FHA mortgage?

FHA Loan Basics You Should Know

If you are thinking about buying a home and are weighing your options for an FHA home loan, there are some basics you should know about FHA mortgages that can help you better prepare for an FHA loan application. FHA home loans are for all financially qualified applicants; there are no income minimums OR maximums. Borrowers should know that FHA mortgages are designed to help borrowers at all income levels find an affordable home. Your debt to income ratio (the amount of money coming in each month compared to your monthly expenses and financial obligations) is an important factor in loan approval, but you will not be disqualified because of an income threshold based on your annual income or monthly income alone. FHA mortgages allow you to purchase a home | more...

FHA Loans And Natural Disasters: What You Should Know

FHA Loan Questions: Identity Of Interest

A reader asks, “I am intending on purchasing a home from my boyfriend’s father. He bought the home for 70k and he is willing to sell it to me for 75k. We are in no way related. Is our relationship an identity of interest?” The “identity of interest” issue arises when a family member wants to sell a property to another family member who is using an FHA mortgage to buy the home. An identity of interest transaction can also be between two people who are business associates. HUD 4000.1 defines an identity of interest transaction as follows: “An Identity-of-Interest Transaction is a sale between parties with an existing Business Relationship or between Family Members. Business Relationship refers to an association between individuals or companies entered into for commercial purposes.” | more...


FHA Loan Question: Shared Wells

A reader asks, “Theres a well shared by seven houses producing six gallons per minute for all seven houses. The well went dry and now we were told we have till December to Feb before it goes dry. Will the loan agencies finance homes at the tail end of a wells life?” We won’t presume to speak for financial agencies or their requirements, as standards may vary from lender to lender. However, we can reference FHA home loan rules to see what is permitted. FHA loan approval depends on a variety of factors, not just a borrower’s credit report or other issues. One factor is the condition of the property itself, which is determined by an FHA appraisal. The purpose of an FHA appraisal is to insure properties to be | more...


HUD Charges Georgia Landlords With Fair Housing Act Violations

The Fair Housing Act was passed to protect those in search of housing, whether they need to rent or purchase. Discrimination against a renter or potential renter is just as serious as discrimination against those who wish to purchase housing; many who want to buy a home must seek out rental property in the meantime and violations of the Fair Housing Act affect these renters who intend to be owners. The Department of Housing and Urban Development aggressively pursues cases of housing discrimination regardless of renter/buyer status and one of the most recent cases stems from a complaint lodged by a single mother in Georgia. According to a press release on the HUD official site, “The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced it is charging a | more...

Will FHA Loans Let Me Rent Out My Home?

FHA Loan Rules For Overtime Income

A reader asks, “Can I use my current overtime income if Ive been working at this company 20 months but my previous company I also had overtime which I worked there for 1 year and my previous before that I worked for 4 years with overtime?” FHA loan rules require the loan officer to verify income that will be used toward calculating the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio. Only verifiable income can be used, which means the lender must determine that the income is stable, reliable, and likely to continue. Income from a variety of sources may be considered. Some FHA loan applicants have seasonal jobs, some have part-time employment, some get income from disability benefits, etc. All of these sources can be used provided they meet FHA loan standards. The same | more...


FHA Loans and 401K Income

A reader got in touch with us recently in the comments section to ask a question about 401K retirement income as it relates to FHA loan approval. “Does the fact that you have a 401k count as income or does it benefit your chances in any way of getting a home loan?” FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 cover a variety of income sources including 401k income. Individual retirement account income from a 401K may be used to qualify a borrower for an FHA mortgage provided the income meets FHA and lender standards. HUD 4000.1 instructs the lender on how to review 401K income, beginning with a definition of it: “Individual Retirement Account (IRA)/401(k) Income refers to income received from an IRA.” With the definition spelled out, the FHA loan | more...

White House

HUD Announces Federal Relief For Louisiana Flood Victims

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced federal assistance for victims of recent flooding in Louisiana. According to HUDNo.16-122, “HUD will speed federal disaster assistance to the State of Louisiana and provide support to homeowners and low-income renters forced from their homes due to severe storms and flooding.” Earlier, the press release states, the President, “issued a disaster declaration for Acadia, Ascension, Avoyelles, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Iberia, Iberville, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Point Coupee, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Tammany, Vermilion, Washington and West Feliciana” as well as East Baton Rouge, Livingston, St. Helena and Tangipahoaparishes. One of the benefits of this act is that victims of the flooding have access to foreclosure relief and other help. Families who may have been forced from their homes need to know | more...

FHA loan

FHA Loans and Social Security Income: A Reader Question

A reader asks, “I am halfway though a 15 year mortgage on a 2009 manufactured home. I am disabled, collecting SSD and my wife works as a school teacher.Would I qualify to refinance my home?” FHA loans and refinance loans have rules that do permit the use of Social Security income to qualify for a loan, provided the income meets certain requirements. The lender is required to determine that the income is likely to continue. HUD 4000.1 has guidelines and instructions to the loan officer that include the following about Social Security and other disability benefits: “Disability Benefits are benefits received from the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), other public agencies, or a private disability insurance provider. The Mortgagee must verify and document the Borrowers receipt | more...

Will FHA Loans Let Me Rent Out My Home?

FHA Loan Rules: Rental Income

When purchasing a home with an FHA single-family loan, a prospective borrower may want to know whether rental income from the property to be purchased with an FHA mortgage can be counted in the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio. FHA loan rules do permit this under specific circumstances, and borrowers should know that FHA loan occupancy rules apply. Borrowers are required to occupy the home as their primary residence, but for those purchasing property with more than one unit, the rental issue is a factor many consider. The rules for rental income are found in HUD 4000.1 and include the following: “The Mortgagee may consider Rental Income from existing and prospective tenants if documented in accordance with the following requirements. Rental Income from the subject Property may be considered Effective Income when | more...