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Articles Tagged With: FHA Loan

Who can apply for FHA Reverse Mortgages?

Where Can I Apply For An FHA Loan? Part Two

In our previous blog post about getting FHA loans, we discussed what a participating FHA lender is, and why you might not find the same types of FHA loans from lender to lender. Where can you apply for an FHA loan? Through a participating FHA lender who offers the type of home loan you need. But there’s more to this than just seeking and finding the right financial institution. Get Pre-Approved For An FHA Loan When you find an FHA lender who offers the type of loan you need (new purchase, construction loan, condo loan, etc.) be sure to ask about the pre-approval process and what it takes to get pre-approved. Doing so can help you a great deal-you’ll have a better idea about the rough amount of loan you | more...

What if my home was damaged in a natural disaster?

Where Do You Get A One-Time Close FHA Construction Loan?

Where do you get an FHA / Single-Close construction loan? Borrowers who don’t want to purchase an existing construction property (one that has been previously owned) or a new construction home (one that is brand new and has not been owned or occupied previously) will definitely be interested in learning where to get an FHA construction loan to buy a single family home. The short answer is that an FHA construction loan is definitely possible under FHA loan program guidelines, but you will need to find a participating FHA lender willing to issue you the loan. Not all FHA lenders offer construction loans so you’ll have to shop around if your first choice in a financial institution doesn’t offer this type of FHA mortgage. There are two kinds of FHA | more...

Happy Holidays 2018

What Is An FHA Loan Modification?

What Is An FHA Loan Modification? According to the FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, such modifications are part of a loss-mitigation program from the FHA and HUD designed to help FHA borrowers avoid foreclosure and keep their homes. HUD 4000.1 states that FHA loan modification is available through a program called FHA-HAMP, or the FHA Home Affordable Modification Program. “The use of an FHA-HAMP Option is to both alleviate the Borrower’s burden of immediate repayment of arrears and to adjust monthly payments to a level sustainable by the household’s current income. The FHA-HAMP Option may or may not include a Partial Claim.” A “partial claim” is defined in the FHA loan rules as follows: “The total amount available is the lesser of: (1) the unpaid principal balance as of the | more...

Happy Holidays 2019

What Am I Allowed To Rehab With An FHA 203(k) Mortgage?

In our last blog post, we discussed what is permitted under the FHA 203(k) rehab mortgage loan. Borrowers are allowed to apply for a new purchase loan or an FHA refinance loan under the 203(k) program, which the FHA loan handbook describes as being used to do the following: – rehabilitate an existing one- to four-unit Structure, which will be used primarily for residential purposes; – rehabilitate such a Structure and refinance outstanding indebtedness on the Structure and the Real Property on which the Structure is located; or – purchase and rehabilitate a Structure and purchase the Real Property on which the Structure is located. According to HUD 4000.1, “Structure” is defined as, “a building that has a roof and walls, and stands permanently in one place that contains single | more...

FHA loans

Is There A One-Time Close FHA Construction Loan?

Is there an FHA construction loan? Let’s look at what the FHA single family home loan handbook (HUD 4000.1) says about these transactions: “FHA offers various mortgage insurance programs which insure approved Mortgagees against losses on Mortgages. FHA-insured Mortgages may be used to purchase housing, improve housing, or refinance existing Mortgages. Purchase/Construction to Permanent The Borrower may finance the purchase of an existing one- to four-unit residence, and may also finance construction of a one- to four-unit residence through a Construction to Permanent Mortgage. Properties to be acquired through an unrecorded land contract must be treated as a purchase.” That information is found on page 130 of HUD 4000.1. But some borrowers may be confused by this, having approached a lender only to be told “we don’t do FHA construction loans” | more...

What is an FHA loan down payment?

What Is An FHA Loan Down Payment?

What is an FHA loan down payment? Simply put, your down payment on a home loan is an investment paid up-front which is separate from other loan expenses. The original idea behind making a down payment likely had something to do with the idea that a borrower who has invested a serious portion of cash up front on the home purchase has a greater interest in paying their mortgage, not defaulting on the loan, and being a successful home owner. FHA loan rules which govern the down payment are found in HUD 4000.1, the FHA loan handbook, and have plenty to say about the amount and sourcing of an FHA mortgage loan down payment. What Is An FHA Loan Down Payment? The FHA loan handbook describes the down payment, also | more...

Get A Free Credit Report Before Applying For An FHA Loan

What Are My Restrictions On FHA Loan Assumptions?

Restrictions on FHA loan assumptions aren’t terribly complicated, but if you are interested in assuming an FHA loan there are some things to keep in mind, starting with a requirement that the lender participates in the process. Most FHA mortgage loans closed in recent years will require the lender’s approval and participation in order to successfully assume an FHA loan. But there are other considerations, too. For example, a home purchased with an FHA mortgage on what the FHA handbook describes as “Indian Land” requires the approval of the local tribal authority. According to HUD 4000.1: “The Mortgagee cannot approve an assumption of a Mortgage secured by a Property located on an Indian Land/reservation unless the Indian Tribe has approved the assumption or sale of the rights to the Property | more...

FHA loans

What Is An FHA Loan And Who Qualifies?

What is an FHA loan and who qualifies? These are common questions, especially for first-time home buyers looking at all their options from conventional mortgages to FHA loans. What Is An FHA Home Loan? Simply put, an FHA mortgage is a home loan that has been guaranteed by the government, making the mortgage safer for the lender and less expensive for the borrower. The FHA single family home loan program is designed for borrowers who are financially qualified with FICO scores at 580 or better for maximum financing. (Lender FICO score requirements may be higher than FHA minimums.) An FHA mortgage as described here is intended for owner-occupiers and is meant for primary residences. That means that time shares, vacation homes, and other occasional-occupancy properties cannot be purchased with an | more...

Time Is Running Out On Exterior-Only FHA Appraisals

Where Do You Get An FHA Loan?

When you’re ready to apply, where do you get an FHA loan? There are plenty of misconceptions about the FHA home loan process, which usually get cleared up fairly quickly once you begin working with a participating FHA lender. But in the planning and saving stages of the loan, it’s good to know the facts about FHA loans, where to get them, and how they work. FHA Loans Are Offered By Participating Lenders Not all lenders participate in the FHA loan program, some are not permitted to participate, and some may not be certified by the FHA yet. Borrowers who need an FHA mortgage will need to find an active, participating lender who can qualify or prequalify the borrower for a mortgage loan. Participating lenders advertise their affiliation with the | more...

How much can I borrow with an FHA refinance loan?

How To Apply For An FHA Loan: The Paperwork You Need

In our last blog post we discussed how to apply for an FHA loan including issues related to credit and getting pre-approved for the loan. Getting ready for your mortgage loan application takes time-you need to have 12 months of on-time payments for your financial obligations leading up to the application, and you need to check your credit report to make sure you know what the lender will see at application time. But what is required when you actually start to fill out the paperwork for the mortgage? Credit, Employment, and Tax Data The lender needs a variety of information to approve your mortgage loan. That includes tax paperwork-anticipate the lender asking for at least two years of tax documents and have them ready at application time. Your lender will | more...