November 8, 2017
Can I Get An FHA Loan Without A Down Payment?
Can I get an FHA loan without a down payment? That’s a question some ask after learning that some conventional mortgages require a minimum of 10% down, sometimes as high as 20% down. Is there such a thing as a no-money-down FHA mortgage loan? Down Payment Rules For FHA New Purchase Loans and Construction Loans All FHA forward mortgages (what you apply for to purchase a home) require a minimum down payment of 3.5% of the adjusted value of the property. There is one exception, and that is for FHA 203(h) rehab loans for disaster victims in federally declared disaster areas. The FHA 203(h) rehab loan requires NO down payment UNLESS it is used in conjunction with an FHA 203(k) rehab loan (which is for general use and not limited | more...