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Articles Tagged With: FHA Loan

Home Buying, FHA Loans, And Mortgage Trends

Can I Get An FHA Loan Without A Down Payment?

Can I get an FHA loan without a down payment? That’s a question some ask after learning that some conventional mortgages require a minimum of 10% down, sometimes as high as 20% down. Is there such a thing as a no-money-down FHA mortgage loan? Down Payment Rules For FHA New Purchase Loans and Construction Loans All FHA forward mortgages (what you apply for to purchase a home) require a minimum down payment of 3.5% of the adjusted value of the property. There is one exception, and that is for FHA 203(h) rehab loans for disaster victims in federally declared disaster areas. The FHA 203(h) rehab loan requires NO down payment UNLESS it is used in conjunction with an FHA 203(k) rehab loan (which is for general use and not limited | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

How Do I Know If An FHA Loan Is Right For Me?

How do I know if an FHA loan is right for me? If you aren’t sure, consider some of the most important features of an FHA mortgage while making up your mind about the right home loan for you. FHA Loans Have Low Down Payment Requirements FHA mortgage loans have lower down payments than many conventional or other non-government backed mortgages. The minimum down payment for an FHA mortgage is 3.5% of the adjusted value of the home, and FHA loan rules permit you to get down payment help from approved sources. Credit scores play an important part in setting the down payment amount, so you’ll need to discuss your circumstances with your loan officer if you aren’t sure whether you qualify for the lowest down payment, but in general | more...

FHA Loan

Can I Buy Another House With An FHA Loan?

Can I buy another house with an FHA loan? It’s a question on the minds of many, especially those who might be concerned that NOT being a first-time home buyer might disqualify them from the FHA loan option. Is this true? FHA Loans Are Not Just For First-Time Home Buyers FHA mortgage loans are designed to be an affordable option for anyone who is financially qualified to be approved for a home loan. That means that you do not have to be a first-time home buyer, you don’t have to be “in need” to qualify, and you don’t have to worry about an income limit for FHA mortgages. FHA loans are approved on the basis of a borrower’s creditworthiness and ability to afford the loan. There is no maximum income | more...

FHA disaster relief changes

Can I Get An FHA 203(h) Rehab Loan With Bad Credit?

Can I get an FHA 203(h) rehab loan with bad credit? That question is a serious one in the wake of natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. Borrowers who are in the process of fixing bad credit, catching up on their payments, or trying to improve their overall credit situation have enough to manage without the added complication of trying to repair or salvage a home damaged in a natural disaster. What are the FHA loan rules for credit qualifications when applying for FHA 203(h) rehab loans in federally-declared disaster areas? FHA Loan Credit Requirements For 203(h) Rehab Mortgages The FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, instructs lenders processing 203(h) rehab loans and refinance loans to be as flexible as possible with credit requirements. That flexibility is governed | more...

FHA loans

Can I Use A Power Of Attorney At FHA Loan Closing Time?

Can I use a power of attorney when it comes time to close my FHA loan? That may not be a common question per se, but for those this issue affects, the answer can affect how the entire closing process is handled. There are many reasons why a power of attorney might be needed to close a legally binding financial transaction such as an FHA mortgage. A borrower may be called away for an urgent work or family need, military duty could prevent the borrower from being physically present, injury or illness, etc. FHA loan rules address the power of attorney issue in HUD 4000.1, which begins on page 345 by stating: “A Borrower may designate an attorney-in-fact to use a Power of Attorney (POA) to sign documents on their | more...

FHA home loan

What Should I Know About FHA Home Loan Escrow Account Rules?

What should I know about FHA loan escrow account rules? Depending on the nature of your transaction, lender standards, and other issues, you may be required to use an escrow account to complete or maintain your FHA mortgage. The rules for escrow accounts to be used in FHA loan transactions are found in the FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1. The section governing escrow includes guidance that such accounts must be established in accordance with procedures defined in the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. The escrow account must be maintained in order to meet monthly financial obligations including the following (where applicable) as found in HUD 4000.1: -hazard insurance premiums; -real estate taxes; -Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP); -special assessments, including any assessments related to a PACE obligation; -flood insurance premiums if | more...

FHA Loans And Natural Disasters: What You Should Know

FHA Loans And Natural Disasters: What You Should Know

FHA home loans can be affected by natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey. Whether you have experienced damage to your property due to high winds, flooding, or other issues, once that damage has been done you will need to deal with your mortgage lender, your insurance company, and other agencies. Some borrowers may need financial relief in the form of loan forbearance, foreclosure avoidance or other measures. The FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, has a section heading titled “Loss Mitigation” which is all about foreclosure avoidance and options borrowers may have to save their homes. Those options include what happens after a natural disaster, starting with a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures based on circumstances outlined below: “FHA-insured Mortgages secured by Properties located in Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas (PDMDA) will be | more...

Should I Consider An FHA Reverse Mortgage?

Does The FHA Appraiser Work For The Lender?

Does the FHA appraiser work for the lender? That’s what one reader wanted to know this week, writing us to ask: “I read your article about how an FHA appraiser is chosen by a lender but my question is: Is the FHA appraiser an ‘agent’ of the lending company? The reason I ask is two years ago I purchased my first home with an FHA loan. Two weeks after closing my roof leaked. It turns out our house has five layers of roofing on it which is visible to the naked eye from the ground because we have no gutters on the home.” “When I called the FHA resource line I was finally told that the appraiser and his report falls back on the lending company…So now I am wondering | more...

FHA Loan Rules: Using Rental Income to Qualify for a Mortgage Loan

What Kind Of Home Can I Buy With An FHA Mortgage?

What kind of home can you buy with an FHA mortgage? The answer isn’t what some people expect, likely due to a misunderstanding of the FHA loan program, who it is intended for, and why it exists. A good example of this? The assumption that FHA mortgages are primarily for first-time home buyers or the economically disadvantaged. Such assumptions are not true. FHA loans are for any financially qualified applicant, which means you don’t have an income threshold to meet, there are no restrictions on those who have purchased homes before, and there is no income maximum. What kind of home can you purchase with an FHA mortgage? FHA loans permit the purchase of homes which are primarily residential, have no restrictions of resale, and which meet FHA minimum standards | more...

FHA loans

How Do FHA Loan Appraisals Work? Part Two

FHA loan appraisals are a big part of the FHA loan approval process. Without the appraisal, your home loan application cannot move forward. The FHA appraiser compares the home you want to buy with an FHA loan to similar properties on the market and reviews the condition of the home to make sure it meets FHA minimum standards. Once the value of the home has been established, your lender can determine what your FHA loan amount should be, factoring in the amount your required down payment, plus the amount of any extras you choose to have financed into the loan (such as the Up Front Mortgage Insurance Premium). The FHA appraiser will visit the property-there is a requirement that the appraiser be physically present-to look at the home inside and | more...