February 2, 2015
A Reader Question: FHA Loan Rules Post-Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
A reader asks, “Please help me understand the preceding statement. First it states the borrower must have at least one year of on time payments to the trustee in a chapter 13. Then it states the borrower must be 2 years post discharge of chapter 13. My wife and I filed chapter 13 in May of 2014, when can we ask the courts approval to enter into a new mortgage. Might we be eligable as of 5/2015, or as the statement suggests, 2 years post discharge?” This question is in reference to material in one of our blog posts, FHA Loans Following Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. It is true that the FHA requires borrowers to have at least a full year of on-time payments under the Chapter 13 arrangement, and the | more...