September 14, 2015
HUD 4000.1 Becomes Effective Today
Today, Monday September 14, 2015, the new FHA Single Family Home Loan Policy Handbook takes effect. It’s called HUD 4000.1 and is now the reference for all FHA single family home loans. Up to now, certain parts of the handbook have been in effect, while other portions were printed but not effective until today’s launch date. A variety of policies have been superseded by the new guidebook, while others have been reproduced and ported over. The new Single Family Policy Handbook is broken down into five basic sections, and there is an FHA/HUD FAQ preview page that answers the most common questions about the new guide, certain changes, and restatements of existing policy. You can find that FAQ page at http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=SFH_FAQ_Preview.pdf. It previews a variety of questions and their answers. | more...