August 30, 2016
FHA Announces Changes To Help Delinquent Borrowers Avoid Foreclosure
The FHA has issued a press release announcing changes to its loss mitigation program guidelines to help borrowers avoid foreclosure and remain in their homes in times of financial difficulty. According to HUDNo.16-127, “The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) today announced new procedures to strengthen the process mortgage servicers use to help struggling families avoid foreclosure and remain in their homes. FHA is streamlining its loss mitigation protocols that servicers must use when evaluating and deploying home retention options, foreclosure alternatives that allow delinquent borrowers to retain their home.” By way of background, the FHA official site (in Mortgagee Letter 2016-14) explains, “The evolution of FHAs loss mitigation guidance has also led to improved consumer engagement, the streamlining of FHAs Pre-Foreclosure Sale option, and a new loan modification by which Mortgagees | more...