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Articles Tagged With: FHA Loan Rules

FHA loans

FHA Home Loan Pre-Approval: Issues To Consider

Getting mortgage pre-approval is an important step in the home buyer journey. It indicates to the seller and a lender that you are serious about your home loan and ready to commit to the right property and price. So what should you know about mortgage pre-approval before you apply? Before you start filling out the forms to get pre-approved, there are some basic questions to ask yourself. Getting pre-approved for an FHA home loan means asking yourself how good your credit score is and how high your credit card balances are. It also means looking at your savings and how much you will need to come up with to meet FHA minimum downpayment requirements. It’s best to start asking these questions far in advance of your home loan so that | more...


FHA Loans and Escrow Accounts

When buying a home, there are situations where the FHA home loan transaction requires an escrow account. HUD 4000.1 has a specific list of rules and regulations that govern escrow and how it is to be used for purchasing or building a home. There are many scenarios where the lender will require an escrow account. A construction loan is a great example; you won’t be able to build a home without one. In general, when escrow is used, we learn the following from the FHA Single-Family Lender’s Handbook, HUD 4000.1: “The Mortgagee must collect a monthly amount from the Borrower that will enable it to pay all escrow obligations…” The escrow account must have sufficient funds for items including but not limited to the following: For repair completion, escrow rules | more...

apply for an FHA loan

Preparing For Your FHA Home Loan Application

Do you want to buy a house with an FHA mortgage loan? Don’t forget some important steps to take long before you fill out an application (see below.) Some borrowers don’t realize the planning stage for a home loan can be lengthy; you’ll need to save money for expenses above and beyond your down payment. And you’ll also need to work on your credit before applying for the mortgage. Borrowers should not consider applying for a home loan until they know three basic things-their FICO scores, how much down payment might be required on the home, and how much loan the borrower can afford. FICO Scores: A Great Place To Start The FICO score issue is the first one to tackle. Your lender won’t be able to work with you | more...

Is your credit ready for an FHA loan?

Not-So-Hidden Costs Of Your FHA Loan To Save For

It’s easy to miss an important detail or two when planning and saving up to buy a home. Some obvious expenses include your down payment, FHA loan lender’s fee, property taxes, and escrow. But some things sneak up on first-time home buyers. You’ll want to be ready for both the cost of the services (see below) and the need to pay for the services themselves. For example, did you know that the appraisal and the home inspection are two totally separate costs? Some do, some don’t, at least not at first. Inspections Fees and Appraisal Fees Lenders and real estate agents tend to use the word “inspection” when they really mean “appraisal.” Remember, an appraisal is NOT a home inspection no matter how often the lender calls it one. And | more...

FHA Home Loan

Buying A Home? Questions To Ask

Are you thinking about applying for a mortgage loan? Here are some important questions you should ask yourself before starting a loan application. Preparing for the issues raised below can help you get off to a good start. Have I Saved Enough For Contingencies? There are plenty of costs some borrowers do not anticipate when planning and saving for their FHA mortgage. You should expect title transfer fees, pest inspection costs, and home inspection fees. These are all standard costs associated with buying a home. But there are also fees that are easy to forget about. Will you have to pay any property taxes at closing time? What about compliance inspection that may be needed after appraisal-required corrections are made as a condition of loan approval? How Much Negotiating Can | more...

FHA loans

Buying A Home? Ask Your Seller and Lender These Questions

If you are buying your first home, you’ll want to ask some important questions of both the seller of the house and your participating FHA lender. The lender questions should include asking about the option to buy down your interest rate with discount points, and how much your interest rate could be depending on FICO scores and credit history. You should ask the lender about options for both 15-year and 30-year mortgages even if its just to compare the rates and monthly payments. You should also ask what benefits might be available with a higher down payment and how much your lowest down payment might be based on an estimated sale price and your credit. Questions To Ask Your Seller Some people worry about haggling or even questioning a seller. | more...

Mortgage Loan Rate Trends

FHA Loan Down Payments

Borrowers have many questions about FHA loan down payment rules, which can be a tricky issue for some in the beginning–do you know what is required for an FHA loan down payment? For starters, the source of your down payment funds will be scrutinized. You can’t provide a down payment from a credit card cash advance or non-collateralized loan. You cannot use payday loans for your down payment. You cannot use funds from third parties, such as friends or family, from these unapproved sources, either. Sources of down payment funds acceptable to the FHA include cash saved by the borrower, certain retirement funds, stocks or other assets that have been cashed in, certain types of gift funds from a relative may be acceptable if the funds meet FHA requirements, etc. | more...

what is mortgage insurance

FHA Loan Terms Defined

If you are new to the home loan process, there are some vocabulary terms you’ll want to know as you start to plan and save for your FHA home loan in 2023. It pays to do your homework ahead of time in a housing market like the one we’re experiencing now. Every advantage helps. As you start to research your mortgage options and talk to industry professionals, you’ll likely hear or read some technical terms that may be confusing..at first. The farther you get in the home loan process, the more these new terms will become clear and make sense. Here are some terms you will likely learn more about in the coming months. Comparables You may not experience this loan jargon in the earlier part of the home loan | more...

FHA Home Loans And First Time Home Buyers

Credit Advice Before Applying For A New FHA Mortgage

Do you know how to get your own credit ready for a major loan application like an FHA mortgage? If you want to discuss your home loan options with a participating lender, you’ll want to have worked on your credit for a significant amount of time before your application or pre-qualification process starts. How much time do you need to get your own credit ready to apply for an FHA mortgage? Many sources say at least one year is ideal, and the credit reporting agencies themselves urge borrowers to take matters into their own hands and begin reviewing credit reports and monitoring credit. The shortest answer to the question, “Am I ready to apply for a mortgage” is, “It depends on how long you’ve been working on your credit.” If | more...

Can I get an FHA home loan if I owe back taxes?

FHA Loan Fact and Fiction

An FHA loan comes with a variety of options, including the types of property you can buy (suburban home, townhome, condo unit, manufactured home, etc.) and the types of mortgage you can apply for such as a 15-year term, 30-year term, fixed rate, adjustable rate mortgage, etc. FHA Loan Fact: Applying For An FHA Mortgage With A Participating Lender There are many participating FHA lenders waiting to help you, and while FHA loans are NOT available from a financial institution that does not participate, the number of those who do is quite high. If you need to refinance a conventional loan and your lender is not an FHA lender, you’re free to find one who does and refinance into an FHA mortgage. FHA Loan Fiction: First Time Home Buyers Only? | more...