January 10, 2017
FHA Appraisal Update: A Reader Question
What’s the difference between an FHA appraisal update and ordering a second appraisal? That’s an important point when it comes to answering the reader question that came in via our comments section this week: “My question is this: Can a lender order a new appraisal on a property that has already been assigned an FHA case number (previous buyer offer fell thru)? Appraisal is less than 120 days old. Since the initial appraisal the seller has installed a new roof, WDO repairs and other minor repairs. Would this give the new lender a reason to order a new appraisal?” FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 make a distinction between an FHA appraisal update and a “second appraisal”. HUD 4000.1 says the following about a second lender ordering a new appraisal | more...