August 18, 2017
Can My Seller Pay Some Of My Closing Costs?
Can my seller pay some of my closing costs? The basic answer is, “yes, within certain limits.” FHA loan rules permit certain expenses to be negotiated between buyer and seller, including the contribution of allowed costs. How does it work? FHA Loan Rules For Interested Party Contributions HUD 4000.1, the FHA loan handbook, defines “interested parties” as “sellers, real estate agents, builders, developers or other parties with an interest in the transaction”. HUD 4000.1 states that such interested parties are permitted to offer payments on “origination fees, other closing costs and discount points” within the bounds of FHA loan rules (more on that below), state law, and lender standards. What Payments Can An Interested Party Contribute? HUD 4000.1, page 232, states that an interested party or parties may contribute towards | more...