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Articles Tagged With: FHA Home Loan


FHA Loan Appraisals: Different Rules For Different Homes

FHA loan appraisals have different standards depending on the type of property you wish to buy. That doesn’t mean that some homes get favorable treatment in the appraisal process than others. What it does mean is that some properties have unique issues. For example, an appraisal for an FHA condo won’t be the same as for a manufactured home. One reason? Manufactured homes do not start off with permanent foundations, and having one is a requirement. A condo unit does not face such problems, so there is a specific appraisal requirement for manufactured housing that such homes be affixed to a permanent foundation that meets FHA and federal standards. A condo unit is already on a foundation, so the requirements there have more to do with the state of the | more...


How Job Changes Affect Your Mortgage Loan Application

How do job changes affect your FHA mortgage loan application and chances for loan approval? Many first-time borrowers need to know this due to personal circumstances; it’s true that FHA home loan rules require the lender to verify two years of employment and it’s also true that an FHA borrower does not have to be with the same employer for two full years to be considered for an FHA mortgage. But what are the consequences of a job change in the FHA home loan process or immediately before a home loan application? If the job change is an upwardly mobile move that benefits the borrower and still meets FHA loan income requirements (for stability and the likelihood of the job to continue) there should be little to no negative effect | more...


FHA Loan Rules: Adding Repairs To The Sale Price Of The Home

FHA loan rules for new purchase home loans include regulations on how the cost of repairs can be added to the sale price of the home to be purchased with an FHA mortgage. Th rules for this are found in HUD 4155.1, Chapter 2 Section Five, which states: “Repairs and improvements may be added to the sales price before calculating the mortgage amount when the • repairs and improvements are required by the appraiser as essential for property eligibility, and paid by the borrower, and • sales contract or addendum identifies the borrower as responsible for payment, and completion of the repairs.” FHA loan rules in this section state that, “Only repairs and improvements required by the appraiser may be included.” How does this all work? Chapter Five has a | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

FHA Home Loan Basics For First-Time Home Buyers

First-time home buyers should know as much about their home loan options as possible going into the application process. FHA home loans are a good option to consider when buying your first real estate-do you know how flexible the FHA home loan program is? FHA Home Loan Basics For New Borrowers FHA home loans are intended for owner-occupiers who want to purchase a home at least one person obligated on the mortgage will occupy as the full-time residence. FHA home loans are not need-based mortgage loans, so there is no income cap or other limitations on who can apply. Some people confuse FHA home loans with USDA mortgages, which are governmnent-backed mortgages that do require income caps and are need based, unlike FHA mortgages. Who You Borrow Money From With | more...

FHA Home Loan

Can I Use An FHA Loan To Buy A Single Family Rental Home?

Some FHA borrowers want to purchase a first home, while others are looking for real estate they can purchase in addition to an existing property. But still others are wondering if they can use an FHA mortgage loan to become a landlord by purchasing real estate they intend to rent out to others. Does the FHA home loan program allow a borrower to apply for a mortgage loan to buy a home intended as a rental? The short answer is that it depends greatly on two factors-the size of the home and whether the borrower intends to live in that property full-time. Borrowers applying for FHA mortgages are allowed to purchase real estate with one to four units. The borrower is free to rent out the unused units in the | more...

FHA Mortgage Insurance

FHA Mortgage Insurance Refunds

FHA home loans do not, as conventional mortgages often do (based on LTV), require third-party private mortgage insurance, sometimes known as PMI. Instead, FHA mortgages require mortgage insurance premiums paid as part of your monthly mortgage payment. There is an Up-Front Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP) that is due at closing time in cash, which may also be financed in its’ entirety should the borrower wish to do so. Then the Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP) are included in the monthly payment. FHA home loan rules address mortgage insurance issues in HUD 4000.1, which states, “Most FHA mortgage insurance programs require the payment of UFMIP, which may be financed into the Mortgage. The UFMIP is not considered when calculating the area-based Nationwide Mortgage Limits and LTV limits.” That means your loan limit | more...

FHA mortgage

Home Loan Credit Problems: Unresolved Borrower Debt

What can jeopardize a home loan application? There are many factors, but delinquent and unresolved debt are two areas that first-time home buyers should be keenly aware of; these issues can derail a mortgage loan application depending on the severity and amount of the debt. We discuss debt ratios and related issues in this space all the time; the unresolved debt issue is related to debt ratios in a way (the resolution of the debt will likely add to the debt ratio in some way) but an account that is delinquent, and/or in dispute is a separate area altogether. It’s always best to apply for any major line of credit with a minimum of 12 months of on-time payments; anything less could threaten your ability to get loan approval. But | more...

Get A Home Inspection

First-Time Home Buyer Advice: Get A Home Inspection

Some wonder if they have had a home inspection when the FHA appraisal results come back. First-time home buyers should know that a home inspection is something that should be done regardless of the appraisal because the two procedures are quite different. The appraisal is not a tool for the borrower and will not give you an idea of the true condition of the home. The home inspection is the job that needs to be done to give you that information. The FHA itself publishes a pamphlet called “For Your Protection, Get A Home Inspection” which includes this advice; “You have the right to examine carefully your potential new home with a professional home inspector. But a home inspection is not required by law, and will occur only if you | more...

FHA loans

FHA Home Loan Down Payment Assistance Rules You Need To Know Now

FHA home loan rules allow down payment assistance for the mortgage for both first time buyers and experienced house hunters alike. There are down payment assistance programs for first-time borrowers, there are down payment gift funds that can be provided by family, friends, or employers…but all of these are subject to FHA loan rules. FHA Home Loan Down Payment Assistance Rules HUD 4000.1 says down payment assistance cannot come from any entity or party that has a stake in the outcome of the home loan sale or the approval of the mortgage loan. That includes: -The seller of the Property; -Any other person or Entity who financially benefits from the transaction (directly or indirectly); or Anyone who is or will be reimbursed, directly or indirectly, by any party included in | more...

FHA mortgages

FHA Loans And The Government Shutdown: What’s Next?

Headlines in the earliest part of 2019 about the government shutdown gave way at the end of the third full week to those discussing the interim re-opening of the government for three weeks so that negotiations on the federal budget may continue. On Friday, January 5, 2019, the partial shutdown ended, bringing furloughed workers back on the job and ending the question of how long nearly one million American workers would have to do without a paycheck. What does all this have to do with FHA mortgage loans? Many wondered if the FHA would stop the home loan program during the partial shutdown, and while that did not happen, some aspects of the FHA mortgage program were affected including the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program and certain aspsects of the | more...