January 25, 2022
FHA Loans: Do Appraisals Transfer When Switching Lenders?
Sometimes a home loan goes smoothly from start to finish. Other times, it may not. In some cases, a borrower may choose not to purchase a particular home after all and continue looking. In others, a borrower may be happy with the home, but not so pleased with the lender. In situations where a borrower wants to switch lenders, is it possible to transfer an FHA appraisal to the new lender? This is a not-so-common question, but an important one for those who need to know. What does HUD 4000.1 have to say about appraisal transfers? Quite a bit, it turns out. From HUD 4000.1: “In cases where a Borrower has switched Mortgagees, the first Mortgagee must, at the Borrowers request, transfer the appraisal to the second Mortgagee within five | more...