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Articles Tagged With: FHA ARM


FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgages

There are two basic types of mortgages new house hunters should know about when shopping for FHA home loans; fixed rate FHA mortgages and Adjustable Rate Mortgages or FHA ARM loans. The FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgage is exactly what its name implies--an FHA home loan with an interest rate that can be adjusted up or down according to FHA requirements, the market and other factors. Thanks to the 2008 housing crisis, many soon-to-be homeowners are skeptical about adjustable rate mortgages whether offered by the FHA or not; FHA adjustable rate terms are definitely more predictable in some ways than their conventional loan counterparts. One of the reasons for that predictability is the ARM interest rate adjustment cap imposed on the loan. The cap protects the buyer from large swings in | more...