October 22, 2019
FHA Disaster Relief Changes
In August of 2019, the FHA and HUD issued press releases and Mortgagee Letters describing changes to the FHA loss mitigation guidelines for those recovering from natural disasters in federally-declared natural disaster areas. The FHA states that the new rules affect homeowners who live or work in a “Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas (PDMDAs) of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria or certain California Wildfires, Flooding, Mudflows, and Debris Flows” according to the HUD official site. Certain temporary measures the FHA and HUD passed in recent times to help improve disaster recovery in these areas are now made permanent. There are some features that have been added that streamline the application process for FHA loan relief, forbearance, and other measures. According to the HUD official site, lenders can use a recent bank | more...