August 20, 2013
New FHA Loan Guidelines For “Back to Work”
The FHA recently issued a mortgagee letter detailing new guidelines for lenders working with borrowers who have had financial setbacks that might not indicate their ability to make monthly mortgage payments or other financial obligations. According to FHA/HUD Mortgagee Letter 2013-26, “FHA is continuing its commitment to fully evaluate borrowers who have experienced periods of financial difficulty due to extenuating circumstances.” The letter continues, “As a result of the recent recession many borrowers who experienced unemployment or other severe reductions in income, were unable to make their monthly mortgage payments, and ultimately lost their homes to a pre-foreclosure sale, deed-in-lieu, or foreclosure. Some borrowers were forced to file for bankruptcy to discharge or restructure their debts. Because of these recent recession-related periods of financial difficulty, borrowers’ credit has been negatively | more...