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Articles Tagged With: Credit Requirements

credit reports

Why You Should Monitor Your Credit As A First-Time Home Buyer

Are you a first-time home buyer interested in buying or building a home? New borrowers should monitor their credit for signs of identity theft, erroneous information, and outdated credit data; doing so improves your chances at home loan approval by ruling out issues that may be related to credit report problems that are not your fault. In 2025, monitoring these issues is more critical than ever. Some future homeowners already pay strict attention to their credit, but not everyone does. And they should–credit monitoring should play a crucial part of your preparation stages before applying for an FHA mortgage. The principles we discuss here can protect you when applying for any big loan, including cash-out refinancing. Regular Monitoring Eliminates Surprises Later Regular updates about your credit report reduce the chances | more...

the importance of credit for home loan approval

The Importance Of Your Credit For Home Loan Approval In 2025

Why is credit monitoring, credit repair, and credit utilization so important for the purposes of getting a home loan approved in the new year? If you want to buy a home in 2025 with an FHA mortgage, this is a serious question to ask ahead of their loan application. It’s just as important to know the hows and whys of addressing your credit scores and history–and the question should be addressed long before applying for a major line of credit like a construction loan to build on your own land or the purchase of a condo or suburban home. A participating FHA lender is required to make sure each loan applicant can realistically afford the home loan. For loan approval, your credit history must have patterns that indicate that you | more...

Buying A Home with an FHA Loan

FHA Loans and the Credit Check

FHA loan rules in HUD 4000.1 give instructions to the lender on how to establish an FHA borrower’s creditworthiness. FHA loan rules tend to be more flexible on credit issues than their conventional equivalents, but borrowers are still required to financially qualify. Are you looking for a condo loan, a mobile home loan in 2025? There’s an FHA loan for that. Do you want to build a house on your own land with an FHA construction loan in the new year? Some don’t realize the credit requirements in the FHA Lender’s Handbook are identical. For construction loans, borrowers should expect slightly higher credit requirements from the lender. However, on paper, FHA loan rules make no distinction between different loan types and the minimum FICO score needed to qualify for maximum | more...

Home loans

FICO Score Basics First-Time Home Buyers Should Know

What does a first-time home buyer need to understand about FICO scores? If you are interested in a home loan, you need to know what FICO scores are acceptable to the lender. You also need to know how FICO score ranges are viewed by lenders in terms of general creditworthiness. What makes a good credit score or credit score range, and what makes a “bad” credit score range? Investopedia says credit scores have a range between 300 and 850. What do lenders think makes a good credit score? The specific answer will depend on the lender, but as a rule of thumb consumers can count on FICO scores between 670 and 739 as being “good”. Scores above this range in the 740s to a maximum of 850 are “excellent”. What | more...

FHA Home Loans And First Time Home Buyers

FHA Home Loans And First Time Home Buyers

FHA home loans are perfect for many first time home buyers who are looking for low down payment requirements, forgiving credit score guidelines, and a home that features refinance options later down the line for cash-out, rehab and repair, etc. But does a house hunter have to be a first-time home buyer to qualify for an FHA mortgage? The short answer is no. FHA mortgage loans are for any financially qualified borrower, first time buyer or not. That said, first-time home buyers may find an advantage when it comes to local or state down payment assistance programs. FHA mortgages require the down payment to come from approved sources; those sources may include down payment assistance from agencies that provide such funds in accordance with FHA requirements. Down payment assistance must | more...

FHA Home Loan Credit Score Requirements: FICO Scores And More

FHA Home Loan Credit Score Requirements: FICO Scores And More

Many borrowers worry about their credit scores ahead of an application for an FHA home loan, and it’s hard for some to gauge whether they have sufficient credit to get a loan approved. FHA loans have more forgiving credit requirements, and borrowers should not assume they do not qualify for a home loan without discussing their circumstances with a participating lender. When is a low credit score too low? FHA home loan rules specify that the lender must ensure a 500 FICO score (the very minimum) to qualify for an FHA mortgage, but your credit score numbers don’t tell the whole story. Lender Requirements For Home Loan Approval Vary You may read that FHA loan rule minimums for FICO scores do not always reflect the participating lender’s credit score requirements–this | more...

FHA Home Loans And First Time Home Buyers

FHA Lender Requirements and Bank Policies

Here is a variation on a typical question we are frequently asked. “I applied for a loan and was told I must submit proof of filing a tax extension for a previous tax year. I was told by my loan officer that I need to show proof of an extension to be approved to close. Is this correct?” There are two critical issues in a situation like this to remember. One is how FHA loan rules work and how lender policies work. The FHA loan program is a voluntary one for financial institutions. Not all lenders participate, but those who do have to meet FHA loan standards and observe FHA guidelines for the loan program. Most financial institutions have their own guidelines above and beyond FHA loan program regulations. If | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA Loan Rules For Income: Investments, Trusts, and Promissory Note Payments

Part of the FHA loan approval process involves the lender verifying an applicant’s income. FHA rules state that for purposes of calculating a borrower’s debt-to-income ratio, only verifiable income can be counted in that ratio. Do FHA rules allow a borrower’s interest or dividend payments from investments to be counted as verifiable income? For some borrowers, this can be an important question. According to the FHA Lender’s Handbook, “The Mortgagee must verify and document the Borrower’s Investment Income by obtaining tax returns for the previous two years and the most recent account statement.” Additional instructions to the lender for this issue include the requirement that when making the calculation. “The Mortgagee must subtract any of the assets used for the Borrower’s required funds to close to purchase the subject Property | more...

Buying A Home with an FHA Loan

Buying A Home With A Lower Credit Score

What can you do if you know your credit isn’t perfect but need to buy a home with an FHA mortgage? Actively Work On Your Credit The most effective way to change your credit rating and improve it is also the simplest. Make all payments on time for at least one year before your home loan application. This is the first step toward getting yourself ready to be approved for a mortgage loan. Review Your Credit Report If you don’t know what your credit report says, you are not ready for a home loan. It really is as simple as that. Learn How To Understand Your Credit Report A credit report is essentially a record of how you deal with your financial obligations. One of the leading credit reporting agencies, | more...

New FHA Home Loan

How Do FHA Loan Requirements Work?

How do FHA loan requirements work? Do you know what you need to qualify for an FHA mortgage loan or FHA refinance loan? There are important details about FHA mortgage loans that can help you make an informed decision about applying for one. We’ll examine them below. FHA Loans: Lower Down Payment Requirements FHA loan down payment rules say you’ll need a minimum 3.5% down based on the appraised value of the home. You won’t be able to get a zero-down payment FHA mortgage unless you are a qualified borrower applying for an FHA 203(h) mortgage for disaster victims in a federally-declared disaster area. 3.5% down is the minimum cash investment required. Some borrowers with low FICO scores may be required to put down 10% depending on their scores, lender | more...