March 31, 2017
FHA Appraisal Rules: When Corrections Are Required
The FHA appraisal process is a typical part of purchasing a home. The appraisal establishes the fair market value of the property and also insures the home meets minimum FHA loan standards. These standards are know as MPS and MPRs-Minimum Property Standards and Minimum Property Requirements, respectively. While the FHA appraisal is not designed to catch any/all problems with a home, it is a tool for the lender to use to determine whether the property is acceptable or not. Whether you’re applying for a fixed rate mortgage or adjustable rate loan, purchasing a condo, town home, or manufactured home, each transaction is subject to the FHA appraisal process. What happens if the appraiser reviews the property only to find issues that do not meet FHA minimum standards? The answer is | more...