September 10, 2021
Your FHA Mortgage And Natural Disasters In 2021
In the early days of the month of September, the FHA and HUD have made a number of announcements regarding disaster relief for portions of the country that have experienced fires, floods, and hurricanes. The agencies have, from the start of September to September 10, 2021, issued no fewer than seven announcements related to disaster relief. The first of those, dated September 1, 2021, includes the following related to disaster relief measures for those who are in presidentially declared federal disaster areas: Foreclosure relief – There is an automatic 90-day moratorium on foreclosures of Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured home mortgages beginning on the date of the major disaster declaration; Call the FHA Resource Center at 1-800-304-9320 for assistance FHA Rehab Loans — FHA Section 203(h) Rehabilitation Loans for disaster victims | more...