April 10, 2020
Protect Your FHA Home Loan From Foreclosure
The federal government has offered a variety of economic stimulus programs to help those affected by COVID-19 and the coronavirus emergency. FHA, VA, and USDA lenders have been given updated instructions to help borrowers avoid loan default and foreclosure. Those instructions include a temporary foreclosure moratorium and options to help borrowers stay in their homes through loan modification and loan forbearance. Such alterations to the mortgage are designed to help borrowers avoid falling behind or falling farther behind on their mortgages. But what happens after these measures? FHA has announced something known as the COVID-19 National Emergency Partial Claim, described by an FHA/HUD press release as “an option to be used by servicers” once the COVID-19 FHA loan forbearance period concludes. Borrowers who have trouble paying their mortgages during COVID-19 | more...