April 28, 2015
FHA Loan Program Changes To Help Prevent Foreclosure
On Friday, April 24 2015, the FHA and HUD issued a press release detailing “significant changes” to the Distressed Asset Stabilization Program or DASP. According to HUDNo 15-048, “In an effort to better serve homeowners looking to avoid foreclosure, loan servicers will now be required to delay foreclosure for a year and to evaluate all borrowers for the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) or a similar loss mitigation program.” “HUD is making additional improvements to the Neighborhood Stabilization Outcome (NSO) sales portion of DASP which are aimed at increasing non-profit participation. Updates include giving non-profits a first look at vacant properties, allowing purchasers to re-sell notes to non-profits, and offering a non-profit only pool.” That is a major alteration from the old standard, which permitted lenders to foreclose on a | more...