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Articles in Category: HUD Regulations

The FHA One-Time Close Construction Loan: An Option In 2020

FHA Implements New Construction Loan Rule Changes

The FHA has announced rule modifications for its new construction loans. On October 22nd, 2020, the FHA and HUD issued a Mortgagee Letter detailing modifications made in 2018 and 2019 which have resulted in a need for further alterations of the rules for New Construction loans. Some of the changes end requirements for “Early Start Letters” and other requirements, others make provisions for “alternative inspections” as we’ll discover below. The FHA/HUD official site states there are also changes to the maximum financing policy for FHA New Construction loans. Effective immediately–lenders can choose to wait on implementing these modified rules until January 4, 2020, but have the option to start using the new rules now if they so choose) the following modifications are being added to HUD 4000.1: Eliminating Early Start | more...


FHA and HUD Announce New Automated Loan Processing System

The Federal Housing Administration has announced a new automated underwriting system for use by participating lenders who process FHA Single-Family home loans. The new system allows lenders to electronically submit loan application data for single family forward mortgages directly to tbe FHA and, “receive mortgage insurance eligibility scoring decisions generated from FHA’s Total Mortgage Scorecard. “The launch of FHA’s first direct automated underwriting system is a huge milestone for the over one million borrowers on average who rely on FHA insurance annually,” according to Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner Dana Wade, who was quoted in an FHA press release. Wade adds, “We’re excited to deliver this enhanced automated underwriting capability specifically for FHA-insured lending because it will streamline processes for everyone, including consumers.” This new system has | more...

FHA home loans

FHA Appraisal Rules: What You Should Know

The FHA appraisal process is a requirement. You can’t purchase a home with an FHA mortgage unless there has been an appraisal on the property to determine the fair market value of the home and to ensure the property meets FHA minimum standards. Today’s appraisal standards for FHA home loans do NOT include stepping out onto the roof or physically entering difficult-to-access spaces, which is why you should never purchase a home without arranging a home inspection. The appraisal requirements for your home purchase can be found in HUD 4000.1. These requirements apply to proposed construction, new construction, and existing construction properties. According to HUD 4000.1, “The Mortgagee must evaluate the appraisal and any supporting documentation to determine if the Property complies with HUDs Property Acceptability Criteria. Existing and New | more...


HUD Approves Conciliation Agreements in Arkansas Fair Housing Discrimination Case

Housing discrimination at any stage–buying, renting, financing, etc.–is a violation of federal law. The Fair Housing Act protects borrowers from being denied housing based on non-financial criteria including race, family status, sexual identity, etc. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced agreements in an Arkansas Fair Housing discrimination case. According to a press release issued by HUD, the agency has approved three Conciliation Agreements with the owners and property management company of Springdale Ridge Apartments in Springdale, Arkansas. HUD says these three agreements resolve complaints that the owners and management of Springdale Ridge Apartments “discriminated against several residents because of their national origin and retaliated against an employee living on site who sought to inform the residents of their fair housing rights” according to the HUD press release. | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

Changes To The Home Loan Industry

Coronavirus has and COVID-19 containment measures have forced those in many career fields to change how business gets done–and the mortgage industry is no exception. It is clear that the economic fallout from the current crisis will be felt for years to come, and there are many who look to the amount of time it took for the nation to economically recover from the housing crisis of 2008, thinking that better long-term planning this time around might be the best approach. Mortgage Industry Changes Consumers have already experienced how Coronavirus has forced changes in procedures related to buying and selling a home. The in-person walkthrough, the open house, and the in-person appraisal are all much more rare at the time of this writing in many communities. Not all require the | more...


HUD Announces Agreement In California Fair Housing Act Case

The federal law known as the Fair Housing Act protects consumers at all levels of the housing process. Buyers, renters, house hunters, all are protected against illegal discrimination thanks to the provisions of the Fair Housing Act that require only financial qualifications to be used when approving housing, providing accessibility for disabled tenants, etc. But sometimes there are violations of these laws and when those violations are brought to the attention of the authorities, an investigation may lead to changes in the way housing issues are handled by a particular agency, landlord, etc. The latest of these actions includes a Department of Housing and Urban Development’s announcement of an agreement in a Fair Housing Act case in Sacramento, California. The Sacramento Housing And Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) was accused of Fair | more...


FHA and HUD Announce More Enhancements To COVID-19 Mortgage Relief

The COVID-19 situation in America means dealing with an ever-changing environment created by coronavirus and its’ containment measures. Economic impact of the virus outbreak has forced millions of home owners to seek economic relief including mortgage loan forbearance. The First Round Of HUD Relief The FHA and HUD created an initial round of FHA mortgage loan forbearance for those experiencing a loss of income and/or having trouble making mortgage payments as a result of the pandemic. But the first announcement was followed by updates and refinements. And now there are further updates that can help borrowers keep their homes after an initial round of COVID-19 loan forbearance. FHA Mortgagee Letter 2020-22 announces improvements and the establishment of foreclosure avoidance possibilities the FHA is calling “Home Retention And Disposition options” including: | more...


HUD Announces Fair Housing Grant Awards

A person or family looking for a home to buy with an FHA mortgage doesn’t go into the process expecting to be treated to a violation of federal law through discriminatory practices that violate the Fair Housing Act. But many people do encounter such discrimination; the official site of the National Low Income Housing Coalition notes that in 2017 alone 2,249 Fair Housing cases were settled, with more than 400 cases involving a guilty plea from the defendant. Fair Housing Act violations prevent those in need of housing from finding reasonable, affordable homes–discrimination in the housing process is a violation of federal law but unfortunately, there are many who still experience such discrimination whether as a future renter or homeowner. Did you know that Fair Housing laws protect you at | more...


HUD Extends Modified Exterior-Only Appraisals During COVID-19

The World Heath Organization says “the worst is yet to come” with regard to the global coronavirus pandemic; the Department of Housing And Urban Development responded to COVID-19 quarantine measures in March 2020, eliminating a requirement temporarily to suspend in-person or indoor appraisal activity. Those changes temporarily meant FHA appraisals would not be subject to a requirement for in-person appraisals that might run in violation of community social distancing policies. The appraisal policy (as well as modified employment verification requiremets for certain loans). But that was all set to expire (more than once, as we’ll read below) until HUD acted to extend these measures anew. Now, with COVID-19 hot spots in the forefront of American news headlines, HUD has extended the modified appraisal guidelines (as well as employment verification rules)–they | more...


HUD Brings Fair Housing Act Charges Against Atlanta Landlords

Have you experienced housing discrimination at any stage in the housing process? Violations of the Fair Housing Act can occur at any stage of your journey to find a new rental home or purchase including home loans, refinance loans, home buying, etc. If you have experienced ANY kind of discrimination while looking for a house or apartment, file a complaint of discrimination with the HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at (800) 669-9777. You can also file a Fair Housing Act complaint online by visiting How to File a Complaint at the HUD official site. Why? Because Fair Housing violations continue to be an issue in the United States of America, and often the only thing that prevents those who discriminated against YOU to keep violating the law | more...