March 27, 2017
FHA Loans and Co-Signers: A Reader Question
A reader asked us a question about FHA loans and co-signers recently. “If I cosigned for a friend and he refinanced to get everything put in his name and me taken off, am I eligible for an FHA loan for my own home?” FHA mortgage loan requirements refer to co-signer arrangements and “contingent liabilities”. HUD 4000.1 says: “A Contingent Liability refers to a liability that may result in the obligation to repay only when a specific event occurs. For example, a contingent liability exists when an individual can be held responsible for the repayment of a debt if another legally obligated party defaults on the payment. Contingent liabilities may include Cosigner liabilities and liabilities resulting from a mortgage assumption without release of liability.” If the reader’s circumstances meet that definition | more...