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Articles in Category: FHA Lenders

FHA Revises Loan Policies For Credit Issues Related to Unemployment, Economic Hardship

The FHA has issued a new mortgagee letter which revises its policies related to credit evaluation for FHA loan approval. FHA Mortgagee Letter 2013-26 says the FHA is committed to helping borrowers who need FHA mortgage loans who may have financial difficulty due to reduced or terminated employment, bankruptcy, and other financial difficulties. “FHA is continuing its commitment to fully evaluate borrowers who have experienced periods of financial difficulty due to extenuating circumstances. As a result of the recent recession many borrowers who experienced unemployment or other severe reductions in income, were unable to make their monthly mortgage payments, and ultimately lost their homes to a pre- foreclosure sale, deed-in-lieu, or foreclosure. Some borrowers were forced to file for bankruptcy to discharge or restructure their debts.” Mortgagee Letter 2013-26 continues | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Buying a Home With a Power of Attorney or Attorney In Fact

A reader asks, “Can I use an AIF to apply for a mortgage loan in my absence? Namely fill out entirely on his own and sign the Uniform Residential Loan Application?” We’re assuming by using the acronym “AIF” the reader means “attorney in fact”. A search of the FHA loan rules in HUD 4155.1 reveals nothing specifically about using an attorney in fact, but FHA loan rules that cover who is permitted to sign the documents committing a borrower to the FHA loan are very clear. Chapter One, Section B of HUD 4155.1 states: “All borrowers applying for the mortgage and assuming responsibility for the debt must sign Fannie Mae Form 1003, Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA), and all addenda. Either the initial loan application or the final, if one | more...


FHA Loans After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: A Reader Question

A reader asks, “I filed chapter 7 in March 2010 and discharged in June 2010. I had a home included in the bankruptcy but after the two year waiting period the lender told me I had to wait an additional three years from the time of the final sale of the property which was not until March 2013. So are they correct in stating that it is a five year waiting period before I can qualify for an FHA loan?” FHA loan rules for FHA mortgages applied for in the wake of a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy are found in HUD 4155.1 Chapter Four, Section C, which states the following: “A Chapter 7 bankruptcy (liquidation) does not disqualify a borrower from obtaining an FHA-insured mortgage if at least two years have | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Social Security Income

A reader asks, “My husband and I have never owned a home. He is a Veteran. He is receiving Social Security. I will also be receiving Social Security. Would we be able to receive a FHA Loan?” FHA loan rules do address Social Security income as a potential source of verifiable income that can be used to qualify for an FHA mortgage loan. For example, in HUD 4155.1 in a section titled “Income Analysis: Individual Tax Returns (IRS Form 1040)” we find the following in the section for IRA Distributions, Pensions, Annuities, and Social Security Benefits: “The non-taxable portion of these items may be added back to the adjusted gross income, if the income is expected to continue for the first three years of the mortgage.” Also, in a section | more...


FHA Loan Rules on Verifiable Income: Commissions

FHA loans require the lender to verify the applicant’s employment, credit history, and income. When it comes to income verification, the FHA requires the lender only to use “verifiable income” when calculating a borrower’s creditworthiness. When an FHA loan applicant has ordinary hourly or salary income, it’s simple to establish what verifiable income might be using pay stubs, income tax reports, and other documentation. But what about when a mortgage loan applicant has a job that pays a commission instead of a salary? FHA loan rules have provisions for commission-based income, as described in HUD 4155.1 Chapter Four. There, you’ll find the following: “Commission income must be averaged over the previous two years. To qualify with commission income, the borrower must provide • copies of signed tax returns for the | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Buying a Home After a Short Sale

A reader asks, “I did a short-sale last year, with total debt forgiveness and no delinquency judgement. I never missed a payment the 8 years I held the mortgage. It did not effect my credit which is currently 737.” “The bank did however report the short sale to the credit bureau and now I’m told it will be an issue getting an FHA loan. Lender says one thing, actual FHA website says another. I’m confused and discouraged. Advice?” The real issue here seems to be a disconnect between what the FHA loan rules say and the lender’s standards. If the FHA requires a certain minimum, but the lender has a higher standard, who is right? What standard is used to determine whether or not the loan can be approved? FHA | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Foreclosure and the Three-Year Waiting Period

A reader asks, “I had a home that Foreclosed in 2009. The Sheriff Sale was completed in December 2009, however according to the FHA office the claim on my home was not closed out until a little over a year later on January 14, 2011.” “Which means that instead of being in a position for another FHA Loan in 2012 we have to wait until January 2014, which is considered to be over 4 years since the Sheriff Sale. Why would it take so long between the Sale and the actual closing of the claim on the house? Is there anything I can do other than wait until 2014?” While we can’t address why it takes so long between a foreclosure and the sheriff sale, we can address the portion | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Credit Score Minimums and FHA Requirements

A reader asks, “We have been working for the last year to clean up our credit with the help of a credit repair company. We have made strides. We have been living in our home the last three years which we are purchasing on a land contract.” “It is now the end of the contract and we need to do the financing. I’m reading that the minimum credit FHA requires is 580, but I cannot find any place that will finance a person with less then a 640 credit score. Secondly, it is my understanding that we should be doing a refinance anyhow, but the places I have called are clueless. HELP! Our high score is right at 580 and we need to finish this financing NOW.” This is an | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: 401Ks in the Debt To Income Ratio?

A reader asks, “My sister in law borrows some fund from her 401(k) to refinance her home. She certainly has to back the fund back to her 401(k). The lender says this monthly payment shall be counted when computing her Debt to Income Ratio.  According to the FHA, the following list of financial obligations should not be used to calculate the debt to income ratio: Other retirement contributions, such as 401(k) accounts (including repayment of debt secured by these funds). I notice that this blog was written in year 2011. Do these rules still apply at present or have there been any changes so far? It’s true that the FHA has guidelines about how to view a 401K when it comes to calculating the debt-to-income ratio. According to HUD 4155.1: | more...


FHA Loan Reader Questions: Closing The Deal

A reader asks, “My mom applied for a FHA loan, went through the loan application and was approved. She signed with a builder and they built the house on her property. Two days before closing, the mortgage lending company informs her that she cannot close on her finished house, due to her not having a credit score when they re-ran her credit file.” “When she was approved she had a credit score. What can be done, her house is built on her property and yet to move in, meanwhile the builder has chose another lending company, and she to repeat whole process over, can the first lending company do this?” There’s no way to judge what has happened in a situation like this–there isn’t enough information AND there may be | more...