October 16, 2023
What To Know About Changing Mortgage Loan Interest Rates
In October 2023, fixed-rate mortgage rates spiked to what CNBC called “the highest level” since the year 2000. But adjustable rate mortgages did not follow suit. Instead, ARM loan rates fell. You might be wondering why. CNBC reported the higher fixed rate mortgages caused more people to explore ARM loan options. Increased demand seems to have made ARM applications go up. and demand fell from an average of 6.49% down to an estimated 6.33%. Adjustable Rate Mortgages, Fixed Rate Mortgages Adjustable rate mortgages offer lower introductory rates. Once the intro rate expires these loans feature rate adjustment periods. The lower rate makes it potentially cheaper to buy a home. At least until the rate adjustments begin. Future-minded borrowers should consider applying for ARM loans with an exit strategy to deal | more...