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Articles by: Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace - Staff Writer

By Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace has been specializing in military and personal finance topics since 1995. His work has appeared on Air Force Television News, The Pentagon Channel, ABC and a variety of print and online publications. He is a 13-year Air Force veteran and a member of the Air Force Public Affairs Alumni Association. He was Managing editor for www.valoans.com for (8) years and is currently the Associate Editor for FHANewsblog.com.

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FHA and HUD Announce New Automated Loan Processing System

The Federal Housing Administration has announced a new automated underwriting system for use by participating lenders who process FHA Single-Family home loans. The new system allows lenders to electronically submit loan application data for single family forward mortgages directly to tbe FHA and, “receive mortgage insurance eligibility scoring decisions generated from FHA’s Total Mortgage Scorecard. “The launch of FHA’s first direct automated underwriting system is a huge milestone for the over one million borrowers on average who rely on FHA insurance annually,” according to Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner Dana Wade, who was quoted in an FHA press release. Wade adds, “We’re excited to deliver this enhanced automated underwriting capability specifically for FHA-insured lending because it will streamline processes for everyone, including consumers.” This new system has | more...

FHA Loans

Do You Know What Kind Of FHA Home Loan You Need?

Do you know what type of FHA home loan you need? There are many options with an FHA mortgage and not all of them involve purchasing a new home; you can apply for FHA rehab loans, FHA refinance loans, even an FHA reverse mortgage for qualified borrowers aged 62 or older. FHA One-Time Close Construction Loans For Building A New Home FHA loans do not require you to purchase property that has already been built; did you know there’s an FHA construction loan option that features only one loan application and closing date? Many participating lenders offer FHA One-Time Close construction loans; for those who financially qualify this allows you to have a house built for you from the ground up. You may find some lenders willing (or unwilling) to | more...

FHA Loans

Planning A Home Loan? Beware Holiday Credit Card Use

A borrower’s debt-to-income ratio is an important part of the financial qualifications your lender will look at when trying to decide to approve or deny your mortgage loan application. Some future borrowers don’t help themselves out in this regard during holiday time and as we approach November and December, those in the planning stages of their mortgage loan journey should beware of opening new credit or increasing credit card use on existing accounts. Why? Credit Card Use Spikes At Holiday Time Traditionally, American consumers tend to increase credit use during the holiday season and it never pays to ignore this factor–take your potential holiday spending into account when planning for a new mortgage loan. In some cases the amount of the credit card debt isn’t the problematic factor–timely payments is | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

FHA Mortgage Loan Issues: “Identity Of Interest”

What does it mean to have an “identity of interest” when applying for an FHA home loan? This can be an issue if the borrower has been renting the property to be purchased with an FHA mortgage from the seller prior to the home loan application. That is not the only issue addressed under the rules for identity of interest–those with family ties buying or selling to one another may also need to have an understanding of the rules in this area. What is the meaning of “identity of interest?” The FHA loan handbook, HUD 4000.1, describes identity of interest transactions as a real estate sale between two parties “with an existing Business Relationship” or between family members. The word “interest” in this case refers to the interest the seller | more...

FHA loans

FHA Appraisal Refunds?

Some borrowers don’t understand the nature of the home loan appraisal process and as a result, they often ask a common question if the results of the appraisal don’t come back as expected. The process works like this–a buyer goes looking for a home to purchase with an FHA mortgage. They find a home they want to buy and before the home loan can be approved, there is a required FHA appraisal. The appraisal is a tool for the lender, not the borrower, to help establish the market value of the property and insure the house meets minimum standards. The home loan amount is based in part on the appraisal and homes don’t always appraise for what the borrower or seller thinks it should. In situations where the appraisal comes | more...

FHA loans

The FHA Refinance Loan

Mortgage loan interest rates have, at the time of this writing in October 2020, been hovering at or near historic lows, though in recent days FHA mortgage loan interest rates have moved out of the two percent range and into the three percent zone. Many watched mortgage rates dip below that three percent zone and there were plenty of home owners interested in taking advantage of those low rates to refinance their mortgages. There are many reasons to consider refinancing including saving money over the lifetime of the loan by paying a lower interest rate and/or getting into a lower monthly mortgage payment. If you are ready to commit to a refinance loan, you have multiple options to refinance out of a conventional loan or other non-FHA mortgage. You can | more...

FHA Loan

Can I Get A Second FHA Appraisal If I Don’t Agree With The First One?

Can I get a second FHA appraisal if I don’t agree with the first one? This is a common question, normally asked if the appraised value of the home comes in differently than a buyer or seller expects it to. FHA loan rules don’t allow a borrower to be forced into purchasing a home where the appraised value is lower than the asking price, so it’s an issue that can definitely affect a home loan transaction depending on what the borrower wishes to do in such cases. Can I Order A Second FHA Appraisal? FHA appraisals are ordered by the lender, so the borrower cannot initiate any second appraisal requests. In any case, the lender is restricted on how and when a second appraisal may be ordered. Specific Restrictions On | more...

Home Loan

Gathering Your Home Loan Documents And Preparing For The Application

Are you interested in applying for an FHA home loan this year or in early 2021? If so, it’s handy to make a checklist of the items you will need to have ready to submit to your participating FHA lender. What do you need to complete submit your FHA mortgage loan application? The lender will need a variety of information from you including documentation related to your job, your credit, and your lender will also ask you for tax records. Some balk at being asked to provide federal tax return information, but this is a requirement of doing business with your lender for a major investment. What do you need to apply for an FHA home loan? Proof of employment Proof of income Tax records (be ready to submit two | more...


Is Your Credit Report Hurting Your Chances At Loan Approval?

American consumers are entitled by law to a free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies. This is a valuable resource all potential home loan applicants should take advantage of as early as possible in the home loan planning stages. However, this is only a first step into a larger world. Credit monitoring is, in the age of hackers and rampant identity theft, a necessity for borrowers who want to make certain their credit will be enough to justify home loan approval. And credit monitoring is not the sort of thing you want to start late in the game–you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to review your credit and work on it during the planning stages. How long should that planning be? Your home loan | more...

FHA Home Loan

Getting Ready For An FHA Home Loan Refinance

Are you interested in a lower mortgage payment or interest rate on your home loan? Are you looking to convert the equity you’ve built up in your home into cash? There are plenty of reasons to consider refinancing–do you need out of an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) and into a fixed-rate loan? All of these options are open to financially qualified borrowers who apply for an FHA refinance loan and you do NOT have to be a first-time homebuyer or first-time homeowner to be approved for an FHA refinance loan. Many of the same steps you took for your original home loan application are applicable when you begin planning to refinance your mortgage; you should pull your credit reports are early as possible in the planning stages. Many consumers find it | more...