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Articles by: Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace - Staff Writer

By Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace has been specializing in military and personal finance topics since 1995. His work has appeared on Air Force Television News, The Pentagon Channel, ABC and a variety of print and online publications. He is a 13-year Air Force veteran and a member of the Air Force Public Affairs Alumni Association. He was Managing editor for www.valoans.com for (8) years and is currently the Associate Editor for FHANewsblog.com.

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FHA Mortgage Loan

How You Can Use An FHA Home Loan

Do you need to know what you are allowed (or NOT allowed) to do with an FHA mortgage? If you want to purchase a home with an FHA loan, you can buy a fixer-upper, a typical suburban home ready to move into, or even build your home from the ground up on your own lot using an FHA One-Time Close construction mortgage. But there are some things you are not allowed to do with an FHA home loan. Let’s look at the “can” and “cannot” angles to see what’s possible with an FHA mortgage. You CAN Purchase A Multi-Unit Property With An FHA Mortgage FHA home loans are for properties with one to four units. FHA home loan limits are larger for homes bigger than a single unit. Some borrowers | more...

Buying a House

What You Need To Know About FHA Loans And Your FICO Score

FHA home loan approval depends on a number of things–your payment history on your financial obligations, your employment, and your FICO scores. Credit scores are a big worry for some home loan applicants. Do you have thin credit? Have you had poor credit habits in the past that you are trying to fix?  Remember, more consumers than you realize have had similar issues in the past–there is no shame in trying to correct your past mistakes and get back on track with your credit. Too many people feel a sense of shame about their past credit issues–and that shame can prevent people from taking constructive steps to help themselves. Did you know that you can begin repairing your own credit by making consistent on-time payments and lowering your balances on | more...


Can I Refinance My FHA Mortgage Without A Credit Check?

Some borrowers need to get a lower interest rate. Some borrowers want out of an adjustable-rate mortgage. Others are interested in pulling the equity built up in their home. The way to get these things done with an existing mortgage is to refinance the loan. FHA home loans include refinance options for all of the needs mentioned above, plus there is an option to apply for a rehab refinance loan (the FHA 203(k) Rehabilitation Refinance) to simultaneously refinance the home and get loan money for approved repairs, improvements, and upgrades to the home.  You can also apply for FHA cash-out refinancing to cash in on the equity in your home. In most cases, a refinance loan will require a new credit check and an appraisal–especially if you’re looking for cash | more...

Five FHA Home Loan Questions To Ask Your Lender

What Goes Into Your Mortgage Payment

Are you new to the house-hunting process? Do you need to know what goes into a monthly mortgage payment? It’s a lot more than just dividing up your loan amount by the number of years you want to pay on the mortgage. With a home loan, it is true that your main numbers will include the amount you pay on the loan principal and the interest, divided by the number of months you are obligated to on the mortgage note.  HUD 4000.1 is the FHA single-family home loan rule book. It has all the guidelines your participating FHA lender needs to process and approve or deny your loan application. And when your lender accepts your application for review, she will not simply run the numbers on the principal and interest.  | more...


HUD Announces Settlement In Alabama Fair Housing Case

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced an agreement with the owners of the HUD-supported Hollyhand Companies, Inc., and The Village at Meadowview in Fairhope, Alabama.  This announcement settles a Fair Housing discrimination case involving a policy barring visitors of a certain age due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The details of this Fair Housing Act complaint involve a resident filed a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development alleging the tenant could no longer care for her grandchildren in the home because doing so allegedly violated the “no visitors under 12” policy. The HUD official site states that as a result of the resident’s complaint, the agency “…engaged in a compliance review to assess whether the owners had adopted an impermissible age distinction in their | more...

Buying A Home with an FHA Loan

Applying For An FHA Mortgage: Timing Counts

If you are shopping for a new home, you want to be as informed as possible about your home loan options, rights, and responsibilities. Some begin their loan application process without being fully prepared, and this can wind up slowing down or even stopping a home loan application in its’ tracks.  But how? One big mistake you should avoid making before applying for an FHA mortgage? Applying too soon. If you have financial trouble in your credit report from past issues, the date of your last late or missed payment is an important one–lenders generally want to see at least 12 months of on-time payments on your financial obligations.  If you don’t have that record, it’s a good idea to wait to apply for a home loan until you do. | more...

FHA mortgages

Planning Your FHA Home Loan

FHA home loans appeal to some differently than others–some buyers like the low 3.5% down payment (the lowest possible for an FHA mortgage for those who qualify) and for other buyers, the more flexible qualifications for loan approval are the main draw. One thing that’s crucial to remember about FHA loans? You do NOT need to meet a first-time homebuyer requirement to apply and be approved. Some consumers still, after all this time, mistakenly believe that FHA loans are only for those who have never owned a home before. That is NOT TRUE. When planning an FHA mortgage, it’s important to start considering your financial needs and goals as early as you can. Your decisions in this area may make your FHA loan options more obvious or attainable depending on | more...

Rehab Refinance Loans, reverse mortgages

Need A Refinance? Avoid Getting Scammed

In 2021, the official site of the Minnesota Attorney General included a page warning consumers not to fall for home loan refinance scams. During the pandemic, many borrowers found themselves in need of refinancing or other moves to make home loans more affordable in times of reduced income and other financial stressors. If you have been looking to get out of an adjustable-rate mortgage, or are trying to get a lower monthly payment on a fixed-rate home loan, you may notice third parties reaching out to you via e-mail, social media, text messages, or phone calls offering to help you refinance your mortgage. “But be careful”, the Minnesota AG official site warns, “Some homeowners have become the target of fraudulent refinancing offers” that sometimes begin with a phone call from | more...


Federal Disaster Relief For FHA Borrowers In Montana, New Hampshire

The 2021 disaster season has seen a large number of federal disaster area declarations; that combined with a global pandemic and it’s easy to see that mortgage relief in any form is a much-needed thing. In October 2021, the FHA and HUD announced foreclosure relief in areas of New Hampshire and Montana affected by natural disasters. In New Hampshire, those areas included the counties of Cheshire and Sullivan which were harmed by severe storms and floods. In Montana, areas affected by something known as the Richard Spring Fire received a major disaster declaration for Rosebud County and the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation.  In declaring these areas as federal disaster areas, HUD is able to offer foreclosure relief in those areas–a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures of FHA-insured mortgages starting on the | more...

Home loans

Refinancing With An FHA Loan

Refinancing a mortgage can have pros and cons–knowing them both can help you make a more informed choice about the type of refinance option you choose. There are cash-out refinance loans, no-cash out, and for those with existing FHA mortgages, an FHA Streamline Refinance option that usually requires some type of benefit for the borrower. The pros and cons of a Streamline Refinance are fairly simple. In the “pro” column, you get something that benefits you in the form of a lower monthly payment or lower interest rate. Or you get out of an adjustable rate mortgage into a fixed-rate loan. In the “cons” column, the biggest drawback is–depending on the term of your new loan compared to the term of your original mortgage–a renewed loan term. If you had | more...