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Articles by: Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace - Staff Writer

By Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace has been specializing in military and personal finance topics since 1995. His work has appeared on Air Force Television News, The Pentagon Channel, ABC and a variety of print and online publications. He is a 13-year Air Force veteran and a member of the Air Force Public Affairs Alumni Association. He was Managing editor for www.valoans.com for (8) years and is currently the Associate Editor for FHANewsblog.com.

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FHA loans

How To Get Cash Back On An FHA Home Loan

Do you need to know how to get cash back on an FHA home loan? If you want to purchase a home with an FHA “forward mortgage” you might be tempted to ask your lender if it’s possible to apply for more mortgage loan money than is required to complete the transaction. This question usually comes with the hope of being allowed to take the extra loan funds out in cash similar to a personal loan. Some borrowers want to know if they can do this, but that specific scenario is definitely NOT possible under FHA home loan rules. Borrowers are not permitted to get cash back in such cases (we’re discussing FHA purchase loans here and NOT FHA cash-out refinance loan options) except in the form of a refund | more...


Updated FHA Appraisal Rules

The Federal Housing Administration has issued a set of revised instructions for FHA appraisals that’s meant to bring the process more fully in line with the Fair Housing Act. What kind of changes? We’ve discussed the basics in a previous article, but the specifics required include modifications to HUD 4000.1, the FHA Single Family Lender’s Handbook. One big change is an entry in a new section called Appraiser Conduct, which includes the following instruction; the appraiser is required to be competent, independent, and objective.  But the appraiser must also NOT: • Discriminate in “developing any part of the appraisal or value conclusion based on characteristics that are protected by federal, state, or local laws”; • Misrepresent “the scope of work performed in the completion of the FHA appraisal”; • Develop | more...

FHA Loan

Worried About Getting Scammed During Your Home Loan Approval Process?

There are plenty of warnings about mortgage scams, mortgage-related identity theft schemes, and much more. We could go into the specifics of one or two of the more popular variations, but it’s equally important to know how to protect yourself more or less unilaterally against such threats to your privacy, your personal data, and your money. The first type of “best practices” you should adopt to protect yourself against scams of any kind? Refusing to respond to “out-of-the-blue” contacts on social media, text messages, or emails that you did not initiate.  People get contacted unsolicited for legitimate reasons all the time. What we’re talking about here is third parties who write you trying to get you to click on a link, provide your account information, or perform some other act | more...

FHA home loan

FHA Refinance Loans Versus Freddie Mac Refi Possible

FHA refinance loans are a good option for borrowers who may need a more flexible credit score requirement to apply, and for those who want to get out of an adjustable-rate mortgage into a fixed-rate home loan. But how does the FHA refinance loan program compare to the conventional Freddie Mac Refi Possible program? Some wonder if they shouldn’t consider a conventional refinance loan program like Refi Possible instead of an FHA refinance option. Should you get a Refi Possible loan instead of an FHA Streamline Refinance or an FHA Cash-Out Refinance? For some borrowers, who meet the Freddie Mac requirements for this program, the answer is yes. These are borrowers that meet the Freddie Mac income restrictions for the program (income at or below the area median income guidelines for | more...

FHA Loans

Get Ready For Your New Home In 2022

Are you considering a home loan in 2022? There are many options and while the FHA home loan limits for the new year have not been announced at press time, borrowers should know the FHA loan limits for 2021 were increased over the previous year.  Will that happen again in 2022? Time will tell but it’s a good idea to start thinking about your home loan as early as possible to get ready with a budget and a plan. FHA Forward Mortgage Options In 2022 The “forward mortgage” is the kind of loan you will use to buy your dream home. They are also known as “purchase loans” and simply as “home loans”.  And with the FHA Single Family Home Loan program, your forward mortgage loan options are not just | more...


FHA Mortgage Relief Still Available For Those Affected By COVID

If you have trouble making your monthly FHA mortgage loan payments, you are not alone. There seem to be so many borrowers struggling that the FHA and HUD have announced multiple extensions to COVD-19 mortgage forbearance policies. Indeed, there have been so many updates and extensions to FHA loan policy in this area that it’s hard to keep it all straight. What’s the most current guidance from the FHA and HUD regarding those who need FHA loan forbearance due to COVID-19 pandemic issues? On September 27, 2021, the FHA issued a Mortgagee Letter, FHA ML 21-24, which explains to lenders the current FHA policy toward such mortgage relief: “Upon Borrower request, Mortgagees must offer a COVID-19 Forbearance to any Borrower that experiences an adverse impact on their ability to make | more...

First time home buyer FHA loan

Who Can Apply For An FHA Mortgage?

Who can apply for an FHA mortgage? Anyone can apply. Not all are accepted, obviously but there are few restrictions on who can be considered for an FHA mortgage. One of the main restrictions? Applicants with FICO scores below 500–FICO scores below that can never qualify for an FHA mortgage. Another restriction–you must be in the country legally. You do NOT have to be a citizen of the United States to qualify for an FHA mortgage loan, but you do have to provide documentation that shows your status as a resident, non-resident alien (the official term at press time) refugee, or asylum seeker. Your ability to qualify for the FHA home loan program depends on being able to show documentation of your status as a legal resident, etc. Another restriction | more...


HUD Announces New Funding To Fight Housing Discrimination

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced a round of funding intended to combat housing discrimination related to COVID-19. Fair Housing Act violations are bad enough when things are “normal”, let alone during a global pandemic. A press release at the HUD official site notes the agency is funding more than 50 Fair Housing initiatives to the tune of approximately $13 million. That money comes from the pool set aside for the American Rescue Plan (ARP). The press release states the money funds a “range of fair housing enforcement and education and outreach activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic” including work to fight discrimination in communities determined to be “underserved” by such efforts. “Discriminatory policies have no place in a nation struggling to deal with the lingering effects | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

Buying A Second Home?

There is a myth about FHA home loans you might even believe yourself. Some believe that FHA home loans, with their low 3.5% down payment, are set aside strictly for first-time homebuyers who need help via a lower down payment than many conventional loans might require. What is the reality about the notion that FHA home loans are for first-time buyers only? FHA mortgages are NOT restricted to those who have never owned a home before. They are also not restricted to low or moderate-income applicants. One reason for these prevailing myths about FHA mortgages? Likely that many state or local first-time homebuyer programs may be commonly used with government-backed mortgage programs like the USDA and FHA home loan programs.  By association, some might assume that the loan is intended | more...

FHA Home Loan

How To Get An FHA Mortgage Loan As A First-Time Home Buyer

How can a first-time home buyer qualify for an FHA mortgage loan? To use an FHA mortgage you do NOT have to be a first-time buyer, but if you ARE one you may qualify for state or local down payment assistance programs in your area and it’s a good idea to explore those options if they are open to you. If you are looking for a starter home, a home to grow into, or you want to have a home built especially for you (using an FHA One-Time Close construction mortgage loan), your FHA loan options are impressive. How To Qualify For An FHA loan As A First-Time Home Buyer Plan ahead and start early for your home ownership journey. Start at least a year in advance…that’s the best advice | more...