Timely news, information and advice concentrating on FHA, VA and USDA residential mortgage lending.

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Articles by: Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace - Staff Writer

By Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace has been specializing in military and personal finance topics since 1995. His work has appeared on Air Force Television News, The Pentagon Channel, ABC and a variety of print and online publications. He is a 13-year Air Force veteran and a member of the Air Force Public Affairs Alumni Association. He was Managing editor for www.valoans.com for (8) years and is currently the Associate Editor for FHANewsblog.com.

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FHA home loans

FHA Mortgage Insurance: What You Need To Know

When you apply for an FHA mortgage, you are required to have mortgage insurance. This comes in the form of an FHA Up-Front Mortgage Insurance Premium which is paid at closing time in cash or financed into the FHA loan amount. You can do one or the other, but you can’t partially finance this premium. That’s the “up front” part. FHA loans require an annual premium paid in monthly installments. This is called a Mortgage Insurance Premium and is not the same as conventional Private Mortgage Insurance.  That is required by conventional lenders for certain mortgages without a 20% down payment or better. Private mortgage insurance is known by the acronym PMI, and some borrowers (even some lenders) use MIP and PMI interchangeably even though they aren’t the same thing. | more...

FHA mortgage

Getting Your Credit Ready For A Mortgage

FHA mortgages generally have more forgiving credit score requirements than some of their conventional counterparts.  If you are thinking of applying for a mortgage you definitely want to start reviewing your credit far in advance of the application–that’s advice we give out here on a regular basis and is fairly “Home Loans 101” type information.  Newcomers quickly learn that starting work on their credit as early as possible is the best move they can make in the planning stages of the loan. But what isn’t so entry-level advice? What some credit reporting agencies advise on managing your credit with or without a home loan to plan for. The implications of this advice are basically that credit is not a “set and forget” type of issue; for best results, you’ll want | more...

FHA home loans

Is There A Smaller FHA Rehab Loan?

The FHA 203(k) rehab loan is an excellent choice for borrowers who need to repair, upgrade, or renovate an existing home. But some borrowers don’t have ambitious, large-scale work to be done and a “full” 203(k) rehab loan might not be appropriate for smaller-scale work. Is there an option for borrowers who need an FHA 203(k) rehab loan but don’t need a very large sum of money to do the work? The FHA Limited 203(k) Rehab Loan The limited FHA 203(k) allows borrowers to apply for rehab loan funds, but the loans in this case have a maximum total repair cost of $35,000 and no repair cost minimum. This type of rehab loan is an excellent choice for borrowers who want to work on the home but without fully refinancing | more...

FHA Home Loan

Do You Need To Fix Your Credit Before You Buy A Home?

There are plenty of third parties who promise to fix your credit for you, for a price. But did you know you can do your own type of credit repair without having to pay or coordinate with anyone else?  You should definitely try working on your own credit before you try to pay someone else to do it for you. But how is it done? The first thing to remember is that you need TIME. Don’t assume you can fix your credit scores and loan repayment history while you’re working with your loan officer to get your FHA mortgage application approved.  You will need to start working on your credit far earlier than that, as it takes time for credit reports to notice the work you’re putting in (on-time payments, | more...

How FHA Home Loan Limits Are Set

What You Should Know About FHA Mortgage Loan Rate Lock Agreements

What should FHA home loan applicants know about the practice of mortgage interest rate lock commitments? This is an important detail of your home loan and it’s best to know how the interest rate lock agreement works ahead of time so you know how and why this part of the mortgage loan process works. What Is An FHA Mortgage Loan Interest Rate Lock Agreement? An interest rate lock protects a borrower from the daily mortgage rate fluctuations that happen naturally due to investor behavior, or other market forces that can change rates. An interest rate lock commitment is not automatic; it must be formally agreed to in writing between the borrower and the lender. An interest rate lock commitment does exactly what it sounds like it does-the lender and borrower | more...

FHA Home Loans

Buying A Condo Unit With An FHA Loan

The FHA Single-Family Home Loan program offers condominium loans in addition to its other single-family home loan options. This surprises a small number of house hunters who wrongly assume that FHA home loans are need-based loans or that condo units don’t qualify for an FHA mortgage. They do. But there are some important things to know about the FHA Condominium Loan option–the first is that since 2019, there have been different rules about how condo loans are processed. Once upon a time you could not get an FHA condo loan if the condominium project was not on or added to the list of FHA-approved projects. Now, you may be allowed to buy a condo unit in a project that is NOT on the FHA’s list provided that the condo unit | more...

FHA loans

FHA Home Loans And First-Time Buyers

Are you considering an FHA mortgage as a first-time homebuyer? There are some important things to remember that can help make your home loan journey better. Consider what follows as things to consider adding to your home loan planning checklist. Monitoring your credit is the first step. If you have not started the planning stages of your home loan yet or are in the earliest stages of that, you’re in a great place to start monitoring and working on your credit. If you are farther along in the process and have not started monitoring your credit, do so as soon as you can for best results. Saving money for your home loan expenses is an important part of the planning phase of your mortgage. You should research real estate blogs | more...

FHA Loan Options

FHA Home Loan Approval Problems: New Credit Applications

You may have heard advice about seeking new credit while you are in the home loan process. Much of this advice is definitely applicable. Anyone who advises you NOT to apply for new credit once you have started your home loan journey is thinking with your best interests in mind, but what is it about this advice that makes it so critical? A lender doesn’t pull your credit reports just once during the home loan process and if your lender sees new information that potentially changes your ability to qualify for the mortgage it may be necessary to re-approve you for the loan. And that’s just the presence of new credit in your report. What about how a new line of credit potentially affects your debt-to-income ratio? When you apply | more...


FHA and HUD Expand REO Sales Options For Owner-Occupiers

They are sometimes known as HUD homes, more formally as HUD real-estate owned homes–properties that were purchased with FHA mortgages that later fell into loan default and ultimately foreclosure. The FHA and HUD, in such cases, have a reimbursement program for the lender but the property itself reverts back to HUD upon foreclosure. The HUD official site states, “A HUD home is a 1-to-4 unit residential property acquired by HUD as a result of a foreclosure action on an FHA-insured mortgage. HUD becomes the property owner and offers it for sale to recover the loss on the foreclosure claim.” And now, thanks to a move by the FHA and HUD, there are expanded opportunities for borrowers who want to be owner-occupiers to bid on and purchase these HUD homes before | more...


HUD Announces Disaster Relief For Alaska, Missouri, And Tennessee

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced federal disaster assistance to three states affected by natural disasters in 2021 and in 2022. Certain counties in Tennessee, Alaska, and Missouri are now eligible for federal disaster relief, FHA foreclosure moratoriums, and more. Tennessee was affected by severe storms, high winds, and tornadoes from December 10 to December 11, 2021; in January of 2022 the President issued a major disaster declaration for the following Tennessee counties: Cheatham  Davidson Dickson Gibson Henderson Henry Lake Obion Stewart Sumner Weakley Wilson The President also announced a major disaster declaration for portions of Alaska affected by severe storms, high winds, floods, landslides, and mudslides from October 29 to November 1, 2021. In January 2022 the President declared the Kenai Peninsula Borough a major | more...