Timely news, information and advice concentrating on FHA, VA and USDA residential mortgage lending.

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Articles by: Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace - Staff Writer

By Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace has been specializing in military and personal finance topics since 1995. His work has appeared on Air Force Television News, The Pentagon Channel, ABC and a variety of print and online publications. He is a 13-year Air Force veteran and a member of the Air Force Public Affairs Alumni Association. He was Managing editor for www.valoans.com for (8) years and is currently the Associate Editor for FHANewsblog.com.

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FHA Loan

Issues That May Complicate Your FHA Home Loan Application

There is a lot of advice out there about starting early when it’s time to plan and save for your mortgage.  When you are preparing for an FHA loan application you naturally want to check your credit, pay your bills on time, and reduce your credit card use. But even when you are busy with taking care of these things, there may be issues that can complicate the home loan process.  Knowing these issues can help you navigate them if there is one that applies to you. It’s easy to assume you don’t have a hidden problem waiting to slow do your home loan process, but some of these issues are a surprise to future borrowers and they spend additional time sorting them out. Do You Owe Any Tax Liens? | more...

Mortgage Trends

FHA Mortgage Loan Planning: Fixed Or Adjustable-Rate Mortgage?

When you are in the planning stages of an FHA mortgage there are some considerations you’ll want to make about which upfront costs to pay out of pocket and when it is smart to consider financing certain costs. What do you need to know about these decisions? We’ll explore below. Planning your home loan means deciding a number of things including how long you plan to stay in the home.  That factor will play an important part in choices like whether to apply for a fixed-rate mortgage (better for long-term owners who don’t plan to sell at some point) or an adjustable-rate mortgage (better for those who know they won’t own the home for a very long time). An adjustable-rate loan typically features an introductory rate that changes at the | more...

FHA Home Loans

FHA Loan Questions And Answers

There are a lot of myths that are still circulating about FHA home loans. What do you need to know about these loans to separate the facts from the fiction? True Or False? FHA Home Loans Are For New Buyers Only False. Some people mistakenly believe you can only qualify for a mortgage guaranteed by the FHA if you are a first-time homebuyer. This is not true. You must financially qualify for the loan like any other mortgage program but you do not have to be buying a house for the first time. True Or False? FHA Loans Require Mortgage Insurance True. FHA mortgages issued today have mortgage insurance requirements for either 11 years or the full duration of the loan depending on how much you put down, the term | more...

Getting Ready For Your Home Loan

FHA Home Loan Options For New Borrowers

FHA home loan options for new borrowers and first-time homebuyers vary. There’s a misconception that FHA mortgages are only for first-time borrowers, and another misconception is that FHA loans somehow favor first-time borrowers with better rates, terms, or other factors. But the truth is that FHA mortgages are NOT just for first-time homebuyers. You can be approved for an FHA mortgage without being subject to income caps or restrictions. Need-based requirements do not apply for FHA loan approval. And there’s another truth-the FHA loan program itself does not offer more favorable terms for first-time applicants than for anyone else. All applicants who are financially qualified can apply for an FHA loan or refinance loan. That leads to some confusion among borrowers who see lenders offering first-time buyer incentives. The fact | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

What Can I Buy With An FHA Loan?

What is possible with an FHA home loan? If you don’t know all your options, you might be surprised to learn you can use an FHA mortgage to buy a house with as many as four living units, manufactured home or modular home, and even a condominium unit. There are some things you cannot use an FHA mortgage to buy, we’ll examine some housing types below: Suburban Houses, Duplexes, And Townhomes FHA loans can be used to buy a one-to-four unit property in a typical neighborhood that is primarily residential and a house where you plan to live as your home address. A duplex or townhome is eligible for an FHA mortgage if the property meets minimum standards, the same as a single-bedroom home or a condo. Repo Homes And | more...

FHA Home Loan Questions

FHA Refinance Loan Terms You Should Know

If you have never applied for a refinance loan and are considering an FHA refinance, you may be unfamiliar with certain industry jargon and loan terms that will come up in the course of your loan application and during the approval process. This article isn’t about what it takes to be approved for an FHA refinance loan, but it will make some aspects of the process a bit less mysterious. Rate And Term Refinance This is a type of FHA refinance option that features no cash back to the borrower, and uses all loan proceeds to ​​pay off the original loan and cover closing costs. These loans can be used to refinance FHA or non-FHA mortgages. FHA Simple Refinance Like the Rate And Term, this refi option is meant as | more...

FHA Loan

Are You Preparing For An FHA Mortgage?

Getting your credit ready for a home loan application is one of the most important steps in the mortgage planning process. Do you know how to get your credit prepared before the lender pulls your reports and reviews your FICO scores? The first key to doing this right is time. Give yourself at least a year to save and plan for your mortgage. This also gives you enough time to work on your credit and lower the amount of monthly debt you carry. Lowering the balances on your credit cards not only improves your debt ratio, it also potentially enhances your credit card utilization ratio, too. A year of on-time, every time payments for all financial obligations is strongly recommended. This is the most basic credit repair advice you’ll find | more...

Five FHA Home Loan Questions To Ask Your Lender

FHA Home Loan Issues For Veterans

Veterans interested in buying a home have many choices including a VA home loan, but also FHA loans that function in much the same way as their VA counterparts. While it is true that VA loans require no down payment in most cases but FHA home loans always require one in most cases, some veterans explore their FHA loan options just the same. Some want existing construction loans, others want a One Time Close mortgage to build a suitable home from the ground up. One Time Close mortgages are available in both VA and FHA versions, so military and veteran borrowers have options with either type of mortgage. But some military members and veterans may enter the service after already having purchased a home, or after having assumed an FHA | more...

FHA Home Loan

FHA Manufactured Home Loans: Questions And Answers

FHA home loan options include loans for manufactured housing, modular homes, and what some still refer to as “mobile homes”.  FHA home loan rules for manufactured housing include age and foundation requirements as well as minimum sizes. If you aren’t sure how to proceed when trying to apply for a manufactured home loan, here are some common questions asked about these types of FHA mortgages. Are FHA Manufactured Home Loans The Same As FHA 203(b) Mortgages? Not exactly. The FHA loan program allows the purchase of a modular home or a manufactured home that is not on a permanent foundation at the time of creation. The manufactured home must be placed on a permanent foundation as a condition of loan approval and the timing of this must be agreeable to | more...

Home Loan

Planning An FHA Mortgage

When you decide to buy a home, you don’t just walk out and make an offer on a home. There is a planning and saving stage, a house hunting stage, and an application stage of the home buying process.  That’s a bit of an oversimplification of how it works, but even as such it shows that there’s a lot to buying a home–the more planning you can do, the better off you will be. One important issue related to the planning stage of the home loan process involves your budget. Figuring out how much home loan you can afford isn’t just about how your finances look today.  You will need to look to the future in terms of your job, your income, any raises or promotions that might affect how | more...