Timely news, information and advice concentrating on FHA, VA and USDA residential mortgage lending.

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Articles by: Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace - Staff Writer

By Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace has been specializing in military and personal finance topics since 1995. His work has appeared on Air Force Television News, The Pentagon Channel, ABC and a variety of print and online publications. He is a 13-year Air Force veteran and a member of the Air Force Public Affairs Alumni Association. He was Managing editor for www.valoans.com for (8) years and is currently the Associate Editor for FHANewsblog.com.

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FHA Home Loan

FHA Loan Rules For Income: Investments, Trusts, and Promissory Note Payments

Part of the FHA loan approval process involves the lender verifying an applicant’s income. FHA rules state that for purposes of calculating a borrower’s debt-to-income ratio, only verifiable income can be counted in that ratio. Do FHA rules allow a borrower’s interest or dividend payments from investments to be counted as verifiable income? For some borrowers, this can be an important question. According to the FHA Lender’s Handbook, “The Mortgagee must verify and document the Borrower’s Investment Income by obtaining tax returns for the previous two years and the most recent account statement.” Additional instructions to the lender for this issue include the requirement that when making the calculation. “The Mortgagee must subtract any of the assets used for the Borrower’s required funds to close to purchase the subject Property | more...

FHA Mortgage

FHA Loan Qualifications

We get many reader questions about FHA home loans. A common variation on one such question goes like this: “What qualifications are needed to be approved for an FHA home loan?” We get questions like these quite often. Some people mistakenly assume that FHA loans are only for first-time home buyers or those with lower incomes. This is not true; any qualified FHA loan applicant may be approved for an FHA mortgage. This is true regardless of whether the applicant has purchased a home before, has an income above or below a certain threshold, etc. If the borrower can realistically afford the loan and meet the other lender and FHA requirements, loan approval is possible. There is no minimum or maximum income level for FHA loans–instead, the lender will measure | more...

Fair Housing Month

FHA Loans For Mixed-Use Property

A common reader question about FHA mortgages has to do with purchasing mixed-use property with an FHA loan. Here is a variation on the theme: “I want to buy a 4-unit building with a store front. Is there any type of loan that I can apply for to make this purchase?” The good news is that this type of purchase may be possible; FHA loan rules permit the purchase of properties between one and four units. For mixed-use property, commercially zoned residential property or other non-traditional purchases, HUD 4000.1 states: “The non-residential portion of the total floor area may not exceed 49 percent. Any non-residential use of the Property must be subordinate to its residential use, character and appearance.” “Non-residential use may not impair the residential character or marketability of | more...

Conventional Loan Interest Rates Make History, FHA Loan Rates Still Incredibly Low

FHA Loans and Interest Rates: The Interest Rate Lock

Under the rules of the FHA loan program, borrowers and lenders negotiate together on interest rates for the FHA loan. Part of those negotiations is the interest rate lock agreement. This can feel intimidating for some who aren’t used to the home-buying process, but it’s a common part of the home loan transaction. What do you need to know about FHA home loan rates and getting a rate lock commitment from your lender? The FHA does not set interest rates, and it’s also not responsible for regulating them aside from a general requirement that the rates be comparable to similar types of loans. Interest rates on mortgages and other high-value transactions are under more scrutiny in 2023 due to continued elevated mortgage rates. At the moment, it’s good to explore | more...

Home Loans

FHA Loan Expenses That Can Be Paid By The Seller

One common question about FHA loans involves whether the seller can pay some of the expenses of the borrower’s FHA loan as a motivation to purchase. Can the seller pay closing costs, offer to supply appliances, or add other incentives to the sales agreement? According to FHA loan rules in the FHA Lender’s Handbook, the answer is yes–but with limitations. According to HUD, “Certain expenses” paid by the seller (or other “interested third parties”) on behalf of the borrower are considered “inducements to purchase” and result in a dollar-for-dollar reduction to the lesser of the sales price or appraised value of the property before applying the appropriate loan-to-value (LTV) factor. That said, sellers can contribute up to six percent of the sales price without a penalty. They can also offer | more...

FHA Loans

Is Summer The Best Time For House Hunting?

When is the best time of year to search for your new home? Spring and summer are the most comfortable times to look, but those who put up with a little inconvenience from the cold and late-year inclement weather may save more than they realized thanks to a more eager seller. It always pays to look for a home when the buying season is in full swing, but you may have more options than you think by extending your house hunt into fall and winter if necessary. Buying A House During House Hunting Season (Spring and Summer) Yes, the weather is better, potential buyers can take a leisurely look around the property, and the overall experience may be more pleasant.  But there is more competition for homes in the good | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

Should You Apply For An FHA Adjustable-Rate Mortgage?

Borrowers considering their FHA mortgage loan options might wonder about an FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgage or FHA ARM loan option instead of an FHA fixed-rate home loan. It is a great idea to compare the features of both types of loan side-by-side to see which might make sense for you. The motivation to do this now has much to do with the interest rate environment we are still dealing with in 2023–in spite of hopes of improvement as the summer wears on. Why would an FHA ARM loan make more sense for some borrowers? Because an ARM offers a lower introductory or teaser interest rate. You may have the option to keep that rate for a full year or as long as ten years. Much will depend on the type | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

FHA Loans And The State Of The Housing Market in 2023

In the last 12 months, many have speculated about the state of the housing market. We all wonder about when an expected recovery might happen and how quickly we can start reaping the benefits. Before we launch into speculation about the future of FHA loan mortgage rates, it’s a good idea to discuss expectations and how to plan ahead for buying your future home. When Is It The Right Time To Buy A Home? Are you in the planning and saving stages of your home loan? If you are, there’s no reason to speed up that process. just because you expect things to improve in the next quarter of 2023. The same is true for those about to move out of the planning and saving part of the process. If | more...

FHA Mortgage Loan

Alimony and Child Support: FHA Loan Rules

FHA loan rules permit alimony and child support to be counted as verifiable income for borrowers who receive it and who choose to list it in their income sources. Like all other sources of income, the rules in HUD 4000.1 state the lender is responsible for verifying the income through documentation such as court agreements or other paperwork. Receiving this income can help you qualify for a home loan, but what about FHA loan applicants responsible for paying alimony and child support? Does this count against a borrower’s debt ratio? HUD 4000.1 says yes, lenders must count alimony and child support payments as recurring debts. The FHA loan rule book gives the following instructions to the lender: “For Alimony, if the Borrowers income was not reduced by the amount of | more...


HUD Takes Action To End Appraisal Bias

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is acting against bias in the appraisal system. “Owning a home provides a path to the American dream. Yet, that dream has been deferred for Black and Brown people, as we have consistently had our homes under-valued,” according to HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, quoted in the 1 June 2023 HUD press release on these appraisal reforms. Fudge adds, “Having your home undervalued is bigger than just a number on a page. It can be the difference between getting a loan and not – between having enough money for retirement or not.” According to Fudge, the PAVE Task Force is a project meant to focus on “taking bold action to address appraisal bias – and renewing our commitment to doing everything in our | more...