June 22, 2023
FHA Loan Rules For Income: Investments, Trusts, and Promissory Note Payments
Part of the FHA loan approval process involves the lender verifying an applicant’s income. FHA rules state that for purposes of calculating a borrower’s debt-to-income ratio, only verifiable income can be counted in that ratio. Do FHA rules allow a borrower’s interest or dividend payments from investments to be counted as verifiable income? For some borrowers, this can be an important question. According to the FHA Lender’s Handbook, “The Mortgagee must verify and document the Borrower’s Investment Income by obtaining tax returns for the previous two years and the most recent account statement.” Additional instructions to the lender for this issue include the requirement that when making the calculation. “The Mortgagee must subtract any of the assets used for the Borrower’s required funds to close to purchase the subject Property | more...