Timely news, information and advice concentrating on FHA, VA and USDA residential mortgage lending.

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Articles by: Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace - Staff Writer

By Joe Wallace

Joe Wallace has been specializing in military and personal finance topics since 1995. His work has appeared on Air Force Television News, The Pentagon Channel, ABC and a variety of print and online publications. He is a 13-year Air Force veteran and a member of the Air Force Public Affairs Alumni Association. He was Managing editor for www.valoans.com for (8) years and is currently the Associate Editor for FHANewsblog.com.

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FHA Loan Reader Questions: Foreclosure Wait Periods

Here is a variation on a common reader question. “I had a foreclosure on my house. What is the waiting period before I qualify for an FHA mortgage?” The first thing to do is call the FHA at their toll-free number, 1-800 CALL FHA, and ask for a referral to an FHA/HUD-approved housing counselor in your local area. A housing counselor can assist in areas like this with advice on how to proceed toward becoming a homeowner once again after a foreclosure, bankruptcy, job loss, or other issues. The answer to the reader’s question varies greatly depending on circumstance, lender standards, and whether or not the home foreclosed upon was purchased with an FHA mortgage. While the FHA loan program does include options for borrowers who have experienced a qualifying | more...

Who can qualify for an FHA loan?

FHA Loan FICO Score Requirements

“Is my credit score good enough to get a mortgage?” That is among the most common questions about FHA loans and it’s easy to understand why. In times of high interest rates and competitive housing markets, every advantage counts. Do borrowers with lower credit scores still have a shot at getting a home loan? FHA loan rules for single-family home loans technically permit FHA loan approval for borrowers with FICO scores above 500. If your credit scores are within the 500-579 range you may be asked to make a higher down payment. But if your FICO scores are 580 or higher you qualify by FHA standards for the lowest 3.5% down payment. Here is the official FHA loan FICO score table from the FHA official site which lists the FICO | more...

FHA home loan advice

Researching Your FHA Home Loan

If you are a first-time FHA home buyer, there are important resources that can help you make smart choices in the earliest stages of the loan. Some of those resources come from your local real estate agent or lender, but more help can come from the FHA itself. Do Some Early Research If you include some time to research home loans in the early stages of being a first-time homebuyer, along the way you’ll likely find some information that sounds good but doesn’t really apply to you. One example comes by way of those financial commentators warning first-time home buyers away from VA and FHA mortgages. Their argument? FHA or VA loans might cost you thousands more than other mortgage loan options. The argument goes something like this. “First-time home-buyer | more...

FHA Loan

How Much Can A First Time Home Buyer Borrow With An FHA Home Loan?

It’s a simple question. How much can you borrow using an FHA mortgage? The answer to that question isn’t as simple as some would like.  Why? Because the amount you are allowed to borrow is informed in part by FHA loan limits for the area you want to buy the home in, by the appraised value of the home, and by how much of a down payment you may be required to make. FHA Loan Amounts And Cash Back At Closing Time It’s necessary to dispel some new house hunters’ illusions about home loan limits. When you buy a house with an FHA mortgage, you aren’t allowed cash back at closing time except for refunds. If you are approved for a loan amount, and the actual amount of money needed | more...

FHA loans

FHA Loan Applications: How Soon Is Too Soon?

It’s never too early to start planning and saving for an FHA mortgage. But if you have just discharged a bankruptcy or have entered the job market for the first time recently, you may be subject to waiting periods until you have enough time past the bankruptcy or your first job to qualify. There is a two-year rule for some FHA borrowers. These applicants must have at least two years in the job market or two years beyond the discharge date of certain bankruptcy types. And then there are the borrowers who may have met the minimum time-in-the-job-market requirements but have recently changed the nature of their employment. How many years have you worked as your own boss or a contract employee? If it’s under 24 months, you may need | more...

FHA Home Loan

Buying A Home? Questions For Your Lender

If you have never purchased a home before, you might be wondering how you can improve the overall experience, get good advice, and make a more informed decision on purchasing a house. One way to do that is to compare lenders (five is a good number) and ask some important questions of each one. Ask Your FHA Lender Which Loans Are Most Popular Some lenders have a lot of interest in some loans and none at all for other FHA loan options. Ask each lender, “What are the most popular mortgages you offer. Why are they so popular?” If the lender can’t offer the type of loan you need, you will need to move on. Not all lenders offer all FHA loans. Some lenders won’t issue manufactured home loans, others | more...

FHA Home Loans And First Time Home Buyers

FHA Lender Requirements and Bank Policies

Here is a variation on a typical question we are frequently asked. “I applied for a loan and was told I must submit proof of filing a tax extension for a previous tax year. I was told by my loan officer that I need to show proof of an extension to be approved to close. Is this correct?” There are two critical issues in a situation like this to remember. One is how FHA loan rules work and how lender policies work. The FHA loan program is a voluntary one for financial institutions. Not all lenders participate, but those who do have to meet FHA loan standards and observe FHA guidelines for the loan program. Most financial institutions have their own guidelines above and beyond FHA loan program regulations. If | more...

FHA Home Loan

Home Loan Approval Questions And Answers

What does it take to get approved for an FHA mortgage? The answers may surprise you. Did you know there are some persistent myths about the FHA home loan program that stop some people from considering it as an option? FHA Loan Myths You Should Know Some believe FHA loans are need-based mortgages, believing that only those with income below a certain level can apply. This is not true. A percentage of new borrowers sometimes believe they must be a first-time home buyer to use government-backed loan programs like FHA home loans. When it comes to some loan programs (USDA loans) this is closer to being true, but not for FHA loans. You can find programs aimed at first-time buyers. But in many cases this is for those who qualify | more...

FHA Options

FHA Refinance Loan Myths

FHA refinance loan myths keep some potential borrowers from making a truly informed choice about what to do when applying for a cash-out refinance loan, reverse mortgage, or rehab loan. Know the facts before you decide! FHA Refinance Loans And Changing Lenders It’s a myth that you can’t refinance your home with a different financial institution than what you started with. You are not required to use your original lender when refinancing a mortgage loan. This is true regardless of whether your original mortgage is an FHA loan. Your original mortgage can be refinanced into an FHA loan, even if it is a conventional mortgage or other type of non-FHA loan. You may need to change lenders if your current mortgage is a non-FHA loan and your lender does not | more...


How To Get Cash Out Of Your Home

When you buy a house with an FHA loan, you start building equity with your 3.5% down payment. Once you begin making FHA loan mortgage payments, you continue to build equity in your property over the lifetime of the mortgage. But how do you take equity out of your home? We explore some important options below. Home Equity Loans And Home Equity Lines Of Credit The FHA does not offer a home equity line of credit, this is an option available from many conventional lenders and offers you a line of credit using your house as the collateral. The closest an FHA mortgage gets to a home equity loan is the FHA Cash-Out Refinance loan, which does tap into the unused equity in your house. FHA Cash-Out Refinance Loans FHA | more...