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Articles Published in: May 2024

FHA Home Loan

FHA Appraisal Guidelines You Should Know

The FHA and HUD have reformed parts of the FHA single-family home loan appraisal guidelines found in HUD 4000.1. These changes are meant to improve the process for reconsidering an FHA appraisal in cases where there may be defects or violations of FHA policy. Can I Get A Revised FHA Appraisal? Was your FHA appraisal is flawed? In such cases the borrower or lender may be allowed to request a Recosideration of Value (ROV). An ROV is essentially a review of the appraisal to correct report deficiencies or problems with HUD regulatory compliance. You should not expect to be allowed a second appraisal only because the value comes in lower than anticipated. What HUD Says About ROVs The HUD official site says, “A Reconsideration of Value (ROV) refers to a | more...

FHA home loan advice

When You Are Ready To Apply For Your FHA Mortgage

When a borrower has the down payment funds and feels ready to commit to the house-hunting journey, applying to be pre-approved or pre-qualified for an FHA mortgage is the next logical step. But there are a few things to review before you begin. Gather Your Documents And Know Your Financials Applying for a loan includes bringing financial data to the bargaining table. You must gather two years of tax returns, you should know specifics about annual gross and net income, and be ready to give the lender information about outgoing debt, your current credit scores, and any other non-employment sources of income you want counted for loan approval purposes. Your lender requires this information to begin. Some situations require more information than others. For example, small business owners may be | more...

Home loans

FHA Appraisal Rules Change To Help Borrowers

The FHA and HUD have revised appraisal rules for FHA single-family loans. Among the changes, FHA lenders must now provide home buyers with “clarified guidelines to contest an appraisal or request a reconsideration of value (ROV.) “root out racial, ethnic, or national origin bias in residential property valuations” on homes purchased with FHA mortgages.” HUD Publishes Its New Appraisal Guidelines A HUD mortgagee letter published in May 2024 says there are important changes in HUD’s Nondiscrimination Policy, Appraiser Conduct, and other Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Roster Appraiser requirements.  The goal is to create more equity in the appraisal process and “ensure appraisals for insured Mortgages are performed in a competent, independent, impartial, and objective manner” and that appraisers conform to what HUD calls the “Competency Rule.” Changes To FHA Appraisal | more...

FHA mortgages

Is My Credit Good Enough For A Mortgage?

One of the most commonly asked questions about any home loan program including FHA mortgages? “Is my credit good enough?” It’s a great question, but for some applicants, it’s not asked soon enough in the process to make much of a difference.  The truth is if you start working on your credit the moment you decide to commit to purchasing a home in the future, the better. And that’s because there isn’t just a single FICO score to aspire to or a single set of tasks to perform so you can be “ready”. What does it take to qualify for any home loan? A combination of factors including your FICO scores, loan repayment history, credit utilization, and employment stability. That’s what it takes to qualify for ANY mortgage. What does | more...

FHA loans

Can You Lose Earnest Money With An FHA Mortgage?

There are many different types of home loans, but most of them have one thing in common: the need to use home loan earnest money as a serious buyer. You don’t have to save or plan for earnest money when you are preparing for a home loan, but it is a bad idea not to, as we examine below. Earnest Money Defined Fannie Mae has an article on its official site discussing the nature of earnest money. That discussion includes the following: “Buyers demonstrate their commitment to purchasing a home by submitting an earnest money deposit. This money is held temporarily in an escrow account along with their offer.” NerdWallet.com also rings in, saying “Earnest money is a good-faith deposit you make on a home to show the seller you’re | more...

FHA Home Loan

What To Know About FHA Loan Application Documents

There is documentation required to process your home loan application and knowing what you need to submit in advance will speed up your home loan application journey. Do you know what your home loan or refinance loan transaction requires of you? The lender requires tax documents, information about the sources of your down payment, access to your credit reports, and more. But there are rules about who provides these documents, and you’ll need to be aware of them when gathering your paperwork. FHA Loan Rules On Documentation Some of the information your lender needs comes from you personally. This includes your photo identification and proof of legal residence in the USA (which may be required where applicable). FHA loan rules say you do not have to be a citizen to | more...