April 30, 2019
FHA Home Loan Basics For First-Time Home Buyers
First-time home buyers should know as much about their home loan options as possible going into the application process. FHA home loans are a good option to consider when buying your first real estate-do you know how flexible the FHA home loan program is? FHA Home Loan Basics For New Borrowers FHA home loans are intended for owner-occupiers who want to purchase a home at least one person obligated on the mortgage will occupy as the full-time residence. FHA home loans are not need-based mortgage loans, so there is no income cap or other limitations on who can apply. Some people confuse FHA home loans with USDA mortgages, which are governmnent-backed mortgages that do require income caps and are need based, unlike FHA mortgages. Who You Borrow Money From With | more...