March 5, 2018
FHA Streamline Refinance Loan Rules: Credit, Occupancy
FHA Streamline refinance loan rules for credit, occupancy, and more are found in HUD 4000.1, the FHA loan handbook. FHA Streamline refinancing is for borrowers who have existing FHA mortgages and want to apply to refinance into a lower mortgage rate, a lower monthly payment, or into a fixed rate FHA mortgage out of an adjustable rate FHA loan. FHA Streamline Refinance loans have no FHA-required credit check or appraisal. Your participating lender may require one anyway, but you’ll need to discuss those issues with a loan officer. The rules in HUD 4000.1 begin by stating what kinds of property can be refinanced with an FHA Streamline loan. “Streamline Refinances may be used for Principal Residences, HUD-approved Secondary Residences, or non-owner occupied Properties.” The lender is required to verify occupancy | more...