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Articles Published in: 2017


HUD: June Is National Healthy Homes Month

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced the second-annual National Healthy Homes Month. According to a press release at the FHA/HUD official site, “Launched by HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH), National Healthy Homes Month 2017 will focus national attention on ways to keep people of all ages safe and healthy in their homes.” That focus includes an emphasis on lead paint. According to the HUD official site, National Healthy Homes Month is themed, “Just What the Doctor Ordered,” and put the spotlight on “the vital role that pediatricians and the health community play in healthy homes education” The HUD press release observes that due to lead poisoning and other home-connected health risks, creating a healthier home environment should be a top priority. “National | more...

Mortgage Loan Rate Trends

FHA Mortgage Rates: Trending Slightly Higher After Recent Lows

Since our last report, we’ve seen mortgage rate trends push rates to lows we haven’t seen since the Christmas holiday season but the start of the new week has seen those rates creep slightly higher. Even with the minor upward movement, gone are the previously reported ranges of rates, replaced by single-digit best execution numbers some industry pros are urging borrowers to take full advantage of in situations where locking/floating is being considered. 30-year fixed rate conventional mortgages are reported, at the time of this writing, at the very bottom of the four percent range best execution. That means an extremely well-qualified conventional borrower could find rates as low as 4.0%. FHA mortgage loan rates are still below the four percent threshold, coming in at a best execution 3.75%. Best | more...


FHA Appraisal Problems: A Reader Question

A reader asks, “I had an FHA appraisal and that came down said everything was in good working order, inspection on roof and all windows. Everything said it was old but good. Bought the house, got $5,000 off for repairs but turns out all windows need to be replaced. Roof needs to be replaced, central air unit needs to be replaced (which was done). But windows are all broken, don’t work and roof is leaking, all plywood needs to be replaced…is there anything we can do or is this all on us?” The implication of this reader question is that the reader did not pay for the optional (but critically important) home inspection. We can’t speculate on what actually happened, but all borrowers should know that it is stated FHA/HUD | more...


HUD Announces Extension of FHA 203(h) Disaster Insurance

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced an extension of FHA 203(h) loans for qualifying residents of federally declared disaster areas in Louisiana. The FHA 203(h) program is described in the FHA Single Family Handbook HUD 4000.1. “Section 203(h) of the National Housing Act authorizes FHA to insure Mortgages to victims of a Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Area (PDMDA) for the purchase or reconstruction of a Single Family Property.” According to the HUD official site, there is now an “additional period of eligibility for section 203(h) mortgage, as a result of the extension of Federal Assistance for victims of the March 13, 2016 and August 14, 2016 Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas of Louisiana…”. FHA loan rules state that unless an extension is offered, the case numbers for FHA 203(h) | more...


HUD Kicks Off National Homeownership Month

The HUD official site (www.HUD.gov) has announced that June is National Home Ownership Month. According to a HUD press release, June has been declared a time, “to reflect upon the impact owning a home has on household wealth, neighborhood stability and the nation’s broader economic health. The theme of National Homeownership Month 2017 is ‘Find Your Place in a New Era of Homeownership.'” The press release also adds that HUD Secretary Ben Carson helped begin Homeownership Month, “by hosting an academic forum on the state of homeownership in the U.S. following the housing crisis, specifically the challenges Millennials face” as the generation enters the job and housing markets. “After all we’ve been through, homeownership remains an American value and the cornerstone of our economy,” said Secretary Carson in the HUD | more...


HUD Announces Settlement In California Fair Housing Case

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced a settlement in a California Fair Housing Act discrimination case. According to the FHA/HUD official site, HUD “reached an agreement with the owner and manager of a California apartment complex, resolving allegations they discriminated against tenants because of their national origin and familial status. Two related complaints filed with HUD alleged that the manager of the Four Palms Apartments in Mountain View, California, made discriminatory statements about Latino residents and prohibited their children from playing outside”. Such discrimination is not permitted under federal Fair Housing Act laws. “A family’s right to enjoy their home shouldn’t depend on where they are from or whether they have children,” said Bryan Greene, HUD’s General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, who | more...


FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgage Rules: Rates, Term, and Adjustments

Some potential FHA borrowers might be surprised to learn that an FHA adjustable rate mortgage (FHA ARM) is an option to consider, but for those with specific financial needs and goals, an FHA ARM loan might be a very good idea. FHA adjustable rate mortgages have specific controls over how much and when an interest rate change may occur, but there are other rules that also affect this type of FHA mortgage. All the rules for FHA ARM loans are found in HUD 4000.1, the FHA Single Family Loan Handbook. It says that the initial rate and margin are established by the lender, and that the margin must be constant over the entire term of the mortgage. Furthermore, “The interest rate must remain constant for an initial period of 1, | more...


After The FHA Loan Closes: FHA Loan Reader Questions

A reader got in touch recently to ask an FHA loan question about the disposition of the property once the loan has closed. “After receiving the loan, are there any regulations on putting two other mobile homes on the property? They will not be on a permanent foundation. We are currently buying 15 acres of land in Texas.” FHA loan rules are clear about the status of a mobile or manufactured home that is purchased with an FHA mortgage loan-all such property types must meet FHA minimum standards and be affixed to a permanent foundation as a condition of loan approval. However, the FHA Single Family Loan Handbook, HUD 4000.1, does not address the condition of add-ons, improvements, or other modifications that happen after the loan has closed. A borrower | more...

FHA Home loan appraisal rules

FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgages in 2017

Are you looking for an FHA adjustable rate mortgage in 2017? FHA single family home loans come in a variety of types including fixed-rate loans and FHA adjustable rate mortgages. The rules for these loans, commonly referred to as FHA ARM loans, are spelled out in HUD 4000.1, the FHA loan handbook. FHA adjustable rate loans can be different than their conventional counterparts, starting with certain restrictions on how often the interest rate may change. Before we dive into that issue, let’s examine how HUD 4000.1 defines the FHA ARM loan: “An Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) refers to a Mortgage in which the interest rate can change annually based on an index plus a margin.” Your loan officer is required to provide a disclosure form, which must be signed, that | more...

FHA loans

Happy Memorial Day 2017!

Happy Memorial Day! We pause today from our usual posts about FHA home loans, refinance loans, and related topics to recognize the sacrifices made by our women and men in uniform. Thank you to all who have served-from those who have gone before to those who are about to enter their first year in uniform in service to our country. We return with our regularly scheduled posts on Tuesday. Thank you for reading, and have a safe and happy Memorial Day 2017.