October 13, 2014
FHA HECM Loan Closing Costs: A Reader Question
A reader asks, “What are the standard closing costs for FHA/HUD/HECM for my property with market value of 510,000.00 with 240,000.00 in debt?” FHA loan closing costs are not standardized–they vary depending on the market, the lender, the nature of the services required to underwrite and close the loan and other factors. State law can and often does affect certain types of loan transactions so there may be factors there that might not apply elsewhere. The Department of Housing and Urban Development publication “Shopping For Your Home Loan: HUD’s Settlement Cost Booklet” breaks down how things can are are charged, but only uses examples and does not come with set, across the board settlement costs–you won’t find a HUD publication that can tell you exactly how much the settlement costs | more...